Highest Score In

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Highest Score In "Do I Have A Right?"

The Internet

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Bromley, Kent, England / April 16, 2012

Tom Davey earned 4,875 points in a game of "Do I Have A Right?".


Tags: gamingvideo gamescoringhigh scoreDo I Have a Right?

  • The Internet Tristan Sudario

    Hello there, I submitted a new record. Hope it's accepted! :)

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    Let us remember on this Independence Day weekend the people that have sacrificed to give us these rights.

  • The Internet Rebecca Komuro

    My highest score was only 7475... I'll try harder next time, then.

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    I believe after Tom's comment that I rightfully deserve to say this:


  • United States Jenn Wark

    A different adjudicating body doesn't mean the records are any less valid. There are plenty of record adjudicating bodies in the world that aren't Guinness; the records here are certainly valid and we do ask that people are respectful of others' achievements. Thanks!

  • United States Jenn Wark

    Alex's world records are recognized.

    It's probably worthwhile to remember some of our community principles, especially the following:

    Be respectful.

    RecordSetter encourages healthy competition, and welcomes open dialogue and debate in all places of conversation, including our Forums and Facebook page. That said, we care deeply about our community and reserve the right to delete disruptive, profane, or off-topic comments, and to suspend or permanently ban users who do not adhere to our policies.

  • The Internet Tom Davey

    the real world records are guiness world records. the reason i know there is a difference because the most amount of t shirts worn on here is like 23 when i know that a higher record was set on tv in england for the guiness book of worl records

  • The Internet Tom Davey

    for the last time there not real world records please stop deluding yourself. and i feel bad for you because of the types of records you set and how pathetic your ability in each of them was. e.g. bouncing a tennis ball on a shoe you got like 3 and was happy with that, and then was amazed when you got 7 while doing it between your legs. those are seriously not scores to be proud of. and my social life, well i live in england so the drinking age is lower so i go out and get drunk with my friends and i play rugby (which is alot better than american football.) and also you had a very high pitched voice for a boy.

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    You feel bad for me because I spent thirty minutes setting world records? Please, enlighten me about your social life.

  • The Internet Tom Davey

    Well considering these arn't official world records i honestly could not care if you do beat it the only reason i did it was to annoy you haha. i could beat practically every single one of your "world records" but the fact is i have a life and i take pitty on you. watching you most world records in 30 minutes video actually made me sad thinking about how much of a social outcast you must be. so go ahead i promise i wont beat you again once you reclaim this.

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    Yeah, it seems I had the wrong strategy. I'll be back! (Although really, the "you suck" comment is the only reason you're not going to hold this record for long.)

  • The Internet Tom Davey

    cute score i got 4875 and im not even from america. you suck.

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    This was what we did in Government class today :P I'd actually like to see this become a competitive record.

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