Highest Score In B-Mode Level 9 Of "Tetris" (NES)

The Internet

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Minnetonka, Minnesota, United States / May 8, 2012

Ben M. earned 67,240 points in B-Mode Level 9 of Tetris.

- must select B-mode option
- must play level 9
- must follow RecordSetter video game rules
- must provide video evidence


Tags: gaminggamehighestscorepointsvideo gameTetris

  • The Internet KING SHAWN

    Federal Bereau of Investigation in the interests of national security challenges to say this is based on tithment and multiples of ten. Your math is off and cost millions of people their lives because of it, dipstick. I hit level 98 as a child. They are not the same because there isn’t a second digit to count higher rates that only our Air Force and NASA can count. Good day, kind sir.

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