Highest One-Legged Upside-Down Hang

United States


Cincinnati, Ohio, United States / November 7, 2011

Benjamin Gross used one leg to hang upside-down from a rope suspended 25 feet in the air.

NOTE: Please use proper safety precautions when attempting this record. This record should only be attempted by professionally trained people.

- must hang without hands for at least five seconds
- must hang using one leg
- must hang from a rope
- must provide video evidence


Tags: highestlegupside downhangingrope

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  • Vatican Felton Rolfson

    Wow, hanging upside-down from 25 feet in the air is an incredible feat of strength and balance! It’s essential to prioritize safety, especially for such daring stunts. Pokerogue

  • Vatican Felton Rolfson

    Wow, hanging upside-down from 25 feet in the air is an incredible feat of strength and balance! It’s essential to prioritize safety, especially for such daring stunts. Pokerogue

  • United States Simon Kirk

    This seems really, really dangerous.

  • United States Brian Pankey

    Awesome job Ben!

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