Record Broken!

See Current

Most Glasses Clinked In One Minute

United States


Brooklyn, New York, United States / October 28, 2009

Gary Vaynerchuk clinked 102 glasses in one minute. He completed the feat at an opening party for his newly released book, Crush It.

Officials from RecordSetter were present to document the feat.

Photo credit: Mark Fitzpatrick

- toasting with drinks in both hands is permitted
- may not clink glasses with any person more than once
- record setter must use an actual glass or glasses, but other particpants may use plastic cups
- record setter must have liquid in glass or glasses for duration of feat


Tags: mosthandpeoplespeeddrinkingcupglassbeveragegrapewinetoasting

  • United States Emily Patricia

    Gary V is awesome!

  • This is truly innovative. We said it before, saying it again here - gonna be an instant classic at wedding receptions to come!

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