Record Broken!

See Current

Fastest Time To Drink A Can Of Yoo-Hoo

United States



Bee Spring, Kentucky, United States / December 2, 2013

Debra E. drank an 11-ounce can of Yoo-hoo in 15.16 seconds.

WARNING: Speed drinking can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed drinker. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.


- must drink an 11-oz can of Yoo-hoo
- can must be unopened at the beginning of attempt
- must begin and end attempt with an empty mouth
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence



Tags: fastestfooddrinkingcandrinkspeed drinkingYoo-hoo

  • The Internet Joseph Allan

    I can beat that recored

  • The Internet Joseph Allan

    I love yohooand most likely could beat that record

  • Sweden Mike Oscarsson

    Should change the record to drink a can of 33 cl instead of yoo-hoo...We don't have that in Sweden

  • United States Debra Emory

    If I am ever going to beat thiS after some one else pwns me, I'm going to have to beat my hot sauce record right before (lol) - Good-Times, Good-Times ~(=

  • United States Debra Emory

    Oh wow, Thanks!! I looked and looked and looked for yoo-hoo drinkers on here but didn't find any and now I see there are some.. Luckily they didn't drink the can and it wasn't a complete Fail. Thank you, Thank you ^:)^ xD Yoo-hoo's go down so quick, I imagine it won't be long until someone breaks this one - BRING IT ON \m/ (plz) :p

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