Record Broken!

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Longest Diabolo High Toss

The Internet

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Morristown, New Jersey, United States / June 14, 2010

Darren Rabinowitzkept a diabolo in the air for 3.43 seconds.

- timing starts when diabolo leaves string
- timing ends when diabolo is caught
- must catch diabolo for record to count


Tags: longestjugglingyo yodiabolo

  • The Internet pierredowns

    It’s rare to find content that serves such a diverse audience so effectively. can i delete my nbi account

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Love your joy, Pete. Congrats!

  • United States BillyO

    Pete...WOW MAN! That's a HUGE toss! Congrats!

  • United States Corey Henderson

    Kudos to whoever had the idea to use time as the unit for this. I was watching it thinking "oh man, how are we going to measure that." Well Done Pete.

  • England Pete Matthews

    My diabolo high toss has finally been verified as a world record. Thank you record

  • England Pete Matthews

    Delighted to have smashed the previous record by nearly a second.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    We'll re-time the top few tomorrow using technology that allows us to slow down the videos. Brian and Peter, thanks for paying such close attention.

  • United States Brian Pankey

    I want a second opinion on my record. Rob, Corey , Dan. If you watch Jordan Rabinowitz record it isn't 3.43 I timed his myself

  • Australia Peter Craig

    Yeah, I think this one's a tricky one to time as you need to be far away enough to see the shot but close enough for the camera to catch the visual on the diabolo to time it correctly. I'd say closer to the camera is best so you can see exactly when it's leaving and landing... but would be interesting to see the height... and at times so close even the 25 or 30 frames shown in the second video evidence is only accurate to .03 of a second unless a high speed camera is used which few people have.

    • Canada Kevin Zuccherato

      Easy . . . instead of using a tripod you can have a friend film with a smartphone or digital camera. Once it gets high enough, they can aim it at where the diablo is going. I guess that would be pretty hard to do but it solves your problem.

  • United States Brian Pankey

    Thanks Peter! I just used the online stopwatch to time this. Frame by frame is something I don't have. I'll take your word for it. That close of a record is like inches. I know your on the metric system in Austrailia. I think we are the only country that's not. Americans are a backwards society I guess. The problem with this record is some diabolo's get more airtime, spintime than others. If I was able to pinpoint the distance it would be much fair of a record. I would like to do this next to a tall building to get the accuracy of how far up it went. Some peple say I've cleared a 100ft. Who knows!

  • Australia Peter Craig

    I checked the video frame by frame and timed from the time code of when the diabolo left the string to when it landed and it was only 3.28 seconds. I've added the note but didn't approve or deny until there was a second opinion or "official" approval.

  • United States Brian Pankey

    I recently added this to my pending file. I filmed it yesterday. I timed mine at 3.54. I counted this several times and got the that exact same time!

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