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Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces Using Alternating Sides Of Two Paddles

United States

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Lindenhurst, Illinois, United States / March 26, 2010

Mick Cullenbounced a table tennis ball 379 times using alternate sides of two table tennis paddles.

- ball must start in a resting position on one paddle
- person must alternate paddles with each bounce
- each paddle must alternate sides with each bounce on the same paddle
- ball must not touch any other object or the ground


Tags: bouncingbouncetable tennispaddle

  • United States Mick Cullen

    I definitely start off counting but inevitably lose count when I have to make a crazy save, so then I estimate where I was and start counting again. Unless I pass by a wide margin, I'm not usually sure until I check the tape.

  • Australia Peter Craig

    haha yeah I was getting into a rythym then suddenly I messed it up as you do get a little confused if you lose concentration. I was surprised it was such a close shave, when you're doing it it's tricky to keep count - I find I count in fours with this one, bouncing on each side counts for 1 so multiplying by four sets the target... Do you find you count to get an idea of progress or do you just do it blind?

  • United States Brian Pankey

    Dear Mick why do we always get records that land on 666, 13 or 187. That is creepy.

  • United States Mick Cullen By one. That's okay-- I was a little uncomfortable with having any record involving 666. Attempting this feat sort of hypnotizes you after a while, doesn't it? I'll get to work on this one soon too...

  • United States Mick Cullen

    There are two lamps on, actually. Maybe I just need better lamps.

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Hey Mick, Turn on the lamp! rob

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