
Attempt Denied!

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Most Consecutive See-Saw Situps In An Elevator

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Waterbury, Connecticut, United States / October 10, 2011

Alban completed 214 consecutive see-saw situps in an elevator.

DENIED: This attempt does not follow rules re: returning lower back to floor between each situp.

Stride’s setting 100 records in 100 days. At the end of 100 days, we’ll verify if you are the standing Record Holder. If you are, you’ll get $500 for each record you managed to hold with your guile, talent, and sheer will.

General caution and common sense required. We show the Stride Team at work, but recommend that these challenges be done at home.

- must attempt record on a public, active elevator
- lower back must be flat against floor at base of each situp
- torso must be at least 45 degrees at peak of each situp
- knees must be pulled toward chest during each situp
- may not rest more than three seconds between situps
- feet may not touch ground for duration of attempt
- arms may be used


Tags: Stride

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Ryan We are focusing our moderation decisions based on record category rules and nothing else. Let's focus on the spirit of the competition, not legal language.

  • The Internet Devin Ehrich

    ryan you dont make sense...just let it go dude...your boy got beat trying to find outs

  • The Internet Ryan Winnick

    if you can break the rule of not wearing logos..why can't you break every other rule? it doesn't make sense

  • United States Neil Moallem

    Ryan almost every single record has logos in it. Personally, I have practically no clothing without logos on it. They will blur them out if necessary, records should absolutely not be denied for including logos, that's just ridiculous

  • The Internet Ryan Winnick

    I am just saying it is against the rules. A rule is a rule.

  • United States Dustin James

    I understand that. but a lot of people have them and its hard to avoid that in all cases. We aren't trying to openly give free advertising.. Ive counted 20 plus videos with nike signs in them. So Im sure they can work around it

  • United States Dustin James

    I just went through and watched about 25 other videos with a nike, adidas, or jordan logo. I'm sure they will edit there videos

  • The Internet Ryan Winnick

    why would they mention no logos in the rules if they could just simply edit it out?

  • United States Dustin James

    yeah I'm not worried about it.. I give complete permission of recordsetter.com and Stride to edit my videos to how they would like. There are several videos where I can see logo like Nike or the Florida Gator.

  • The Internet Mitch Jankowski

    if that was the case...they wouldve denied the attempts in the first place...not to mention almost every record has some sort of logo...ive seen nike logos, adidas logos, and college logos in other videos...plus its not like stride can't edit a little logo out

  • The Internet Ryan Winnick

    dustinbarker if you read the rules before you wouldn't of made the mistake to wear articles of clothing with logos on them. the ones with music or profanity in them haven't been fully looked into. they will be doing that all week.

  • The Internet Mitch Jankowski

    and it also states that their cant be music or profanity words and some videos have those. but you guys said you could remove audio.. also you can see nike shoes on several people. Hope you guys are understanding. Thanks!

  • United States Dustin James

    lol... i'm sure you guys can fix the video so the logo doesnt show. you can see nike on all peoples shoes. I cant help that all my shorts and pants have logos. Hopefully you guys can work around it and work it out because I know there are many more videos with the same situation throughout the 100 records. thanks guys!

  • The Internet Ryan Winnick

    dan roll man, i saw dustin's pending video and noticed that during the entire video, a nike symbol can be seen on his pants. it becomes very visible at the end. a sign of a logo means for a failed video correct?

  • The Internet Aurea Perez

    haha it's ok he beat it again with correct form so don't sweat it (:

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Dustin Ryan Mitch Upon further review, Alban does not follow the Rules. As you note, his lower back does not touch the floor between sit-ups. We have reverted our decision and denied this attempt.

  • The Internet Mitch Jankowski

    his back does not touch at all...not even the lower back

  • United States Dustin James

    Record Setter.. Not saying he can't do that many sit-ups. but it clearly doesn't follow all the criteria. You guys accepting this?

  • The Internet Ryan Winnick

    dustin i didn't see this video until now, you are right his back does not become flat against the floor each time. dq.

  • United States Dustin James

    Ryan.. how is this one a flat lower back.. his lower back never once touches the floor? these aren't even sit-'UPS'

  • The Internet Ryan Winnick

    the pending videos all have the flat back

  • United States Dustin James

    Just checked out some pending videos on this.. Your right about this video its all good. His lower back does reach the ground, but the pending videos that beat his, the lower back must go flat at the base of each sit up, which is part of the criteria! keep an eye on that for pending videos on this record

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Dustin and Ryan -- We just watched the videos in this category and our decision stands. Benjamin's form is acceptable. Dustin, we have no reason to think anyone is helping Benjamin's feet. Furthermore, your feet are out of frame in your attempt, too.

    Neil Sorry for the technical issues. We've said this elsewhere, but for anyone having troubles uploading large files, please use ge.tt and email the link once uploaded to rob at recordsetter dot com.

  • United States Dustin James

    yeah, why have there been no replies? as far as these sit-ups, shouldn't you be able to see the persons feet? I need to know if I need to redo this

  • United States Neil Moallem

    I have asked this question through email and have not received a satisfactory response so I will ask it again here. WHY IS YOUR WEBSITE NOT ACCEPTING FILES THAT HAVE HAD THEIR FORMAT CONVERTED FROM "mov" to "avi"????? It is a huge problem for me because I have 3gb files that I can only upload if I convert them to a smaller file type (being avi) yet your site won't let me upload the "avi" files and the videos are too long for me to put on YouTube. WHAT DO I DO!?!?!? There are only a few days left!!!!

  • United States Dustin James

    I think I'd agree with Ryan. Not saying he can't do all those but you should probably be able to see his feet. Otherwise people could do this and just have people hold their feet without seeing

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    To everyone in this thread with upload issues. Sorry, there was temporary bug on SAT that disrupted submissions for a small period. The bug has been fixed, the submission form has been tested, and everything is back to functioning properly.

  • The Internet Ryan Winnick

    his back does not become flat against floor at base of each sit-up. or see his feet.

  • United States Vernon Frenzel

    Great job Benjamin. Doubled it!

  • United States Brian Pankey

    no one can upload videos. I been trying since yesterday guys also!

  • United States Dustin James

    its not letting me click the upload from youtube icon

  • United States Dustin James

    wont let me upload from youtube

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Dustin, we're looking into it. Stay tuned.

  • United States Brian Pankey

    what's with all the elevator records in the city I live in this would be considered criminal behavior

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