Most Consecutive Boomerang Mouth Catches

United States



Bourbon, Missouri, United States / June 19, 2012

David Cain threw a boomerang and caught it in his mouth three times.


- boomerang must travel at least eight feet from the thrower
- must catch boomerang with mouth
- catches must be consecutive
- must provide video evidence



Tags: mostjugglingcatchingmouthskill toyboomerang

  • United States PeteM

    David, how far can you toss one and catch it in your mouth? I'd love to see a distance record!

    • United States David Cain

      Well, with my large range boomerangs, I catch them on a spoon I hold in my mouth (the rangs have a hole in the center). I've always wanted to try to do a proper mouth catch with one, but it's a scary proposition. I might have to try it sometime soon.

  • United States David Cain

    CoreyHenderson Nope, just as long as it travels at least 8 feet from the thrower and is caught during the return.

  • United States Corey Henderson

    Is there a specific kind of boomerang that needs to be used?

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