Fastest Time To Complete 500 Chin-Ups And 500 Push-Ups

United States

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Clermont, Florida, United States / June 23, 2015

Alicia Weber completed 500 chin-ups and 500 push-ups in 41 minutes, 41.62 seconds.


- must show clock
- must only use a steel straight bar for chin-ups
- must complete push-ups on hard surface with arms held shoulder-width apart
- all chin-ups are to be completed in strict form; starting in full extension dead hang and ending with chin over the bar
- must use supinated grip (underhanded palms toward you grip for chin-ups) for entire attempt
- no leg movements allowed for chinups
- must provide two camera views; full body front and chin views
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence



Tags: fasteststrengthspeedpush-upendurancechinupexercises

  • United States Alicia Weber

    Thanks DJ, yep you are keeping good track of me!! Still have a few more records to push out this month of May too!

  • The Internet DJ Nate

    Way to go Girl!! Your 20th strength and endurance world record set in the month of May and you are STILL GOING STRONG!!

  • United States Alicia Weber

    Thanks Pete. I am not sure if this was a challenge. I never looked. This is one I have been working on for awhile though. In 60 days I improved my time by over 4 minutes and decided to submit this one as a record. Great job with all your amazing records!!

  • United States PeteM

    I can't remember if I submitted this challenge. Very good!

  • United States Alicia Weber

    Thank you!

  • United States Simon Kirk

    That's fantastic. I expect I will set a record that day but I don't know what yet...Something exciting! Looking forward to seeing yours and great job in convincing your clients!

  • United States Alicia Weber

    Thanks Simon! Are you planning to set a world record on world record day April 28th? I am really excited because I am a fitness trainer of 14 years and I convinced 3 clients to set world records this April 28th. I am training them for their exercise record attempts for world record day! I will be setting records on that day also!!

  • United States Simon Kirk

    That's so wonderful. I look forward to seeing many more.

  • United States Alicia Weber

    Thanks so much Simon! Congrats on all your records!! This is the world's best record book to set records for serious record breakers. I used to set records at another record book, but I am happy to be here and this is where I will be setting all my records now! :)

  • United States Simon Kirk

    Alicia, I noticed you've been setting a lot of records on the site. Just wanted to commend you for all your hard work. Well done.

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