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Most College Credits Passed In One Semester

The Internet


Flushing, New York, United States / May 28, 2015

Eli J. took and passed 30 college credits in one semester. He is taking a bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics.

- must follow form of current world record holder
- each class may be no more than four credits
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostschoolcollegestudyingcreditsemester

  • United States Phil Mann

    It's hard to believe this can be true. This student must have been extra active, genius, or both. I don't have other explanation of how he managed to get this many credits in just one Semester. Maybe he was buying assignments online? By the help of he could probably succeed achieving this incredible result. Otherwise it would be hardly feasible if possible at all.

  • United States daniel koike

    EssayMin的毕业论文导师团队写毕业论文Discussion 也是手到捏来毕业论文周期较长, 这期间, 每一次与导师的Meeting, 我们都会及时协助! 按照您的导师的Feedback进行修改调整, 提供全方位毕业论文Discussion帮助. 每篇毕业论文完成后都由专业审核团队进行审核, 真正做到“物有所值”! EsaayMin为了更好的服务英国的同学, 为您量身定制3个等级的毕业论文预订套餐, 为了保障您的毕业论文质量, 推荐您在填写订单时至少选择一个月以上时间, 让您拥有充足的时间来准备毕业论文. 选择毕业论文Discussion指导就来EssayMin.

  • The Internet Seyed Mohammad

    I took and passed 31 university credits in one semester

  • United States James Willey

    中国学生在进行英文写作时难免会遇到许多困难,对于语言的选择和运用就是一大问题。在构思句子时同学们往往会搜索例句和相关的单词搭配来检验自己的论文地道与否。那么这些英文论文代写 例句该从哪里找呢? 相信有了以下几个网站,你再也不会无话可写了! (1)学术搜索引擎(谷歌微软百度学术等) (2)专业语料库(美国当代英语语料库、英国国家语料库、Webcorp语料库等) (3)单词搭配查询网站(Just The World、Textranch、Netspeak、Linggle等) (4)例句查询网站(Ludwig、句库、CNKI翻译助手、句易数据等)

  • The Internet Stephi

    P.S. I failed to mention in my prior comment how I achieved the extra credits of 36. Night school 5 days a week on top of regular classes, drivers ed, teacher's assistant & video club organizer.

  • The Internet Stephi

    Impressive. In my senior year of high school my principal called me into his office to congratulate me for breaking the state record of 76 total accumulated credits in a single semester. I might even still hold the record? I detested school with a passion & played around my sophomore & junior year...played hooky from classes. Then I became serious my senior year & I had to make up for it so I could graduate with my class. I didn't have a life then & a backpack that weighed 50 lbs from books to lug around, but my hard work got me through even when I wanted to give up the enormous stress. My gpa was terrible, but I never allowed it to hinder or bring me down or define me...I simple had the objective of wanting to graduate. Thought I would share my story with you 😊

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  • United States David Collier

    A bachelors usually requires 120 credits. The student in the article transferred 80. The degree that institution grants to him will be two thirds from somewhere else.

  • United States David Collier

    Community college classes are usually easier and less rigorous that 4-year colleges. To say otherwise is ignorant and unknowing. I wouldn't approve transfer credits from community college to a real college.

  • The Internet fake account

    I took 32

    • United States Alex Weesly

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