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Longest Time To Balance Large Iced Coffee On Knee While Standing On One Foot

The Internet

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Clinton, Iowa, United States / September 24, 2011

Tim Elias balanced a large iced coffee on his knee for 50.12 seconds while standing on one foot.

Stride’s setting 100 records in 100 days. At the end of 100 days, we’ll verify if you are the standing Record Holder. If you are, you’ll get $500 for each record you managed to hold with your guile, talent, and sheer will.

General caution and common sense required. We show the Stride Team at work, but recommend that these challenges be done at home.


- coffee must be in transparent cup
- cup must be at least 75% full
- cup must be at least 18 ounces, as big as large size sold at major coffee chains
- may not hold onto anything for external support



Tags: Stride

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Neil, our decision stands.

  • Philippines MaAnn P.

    neil: criteria states that cup must be transparent. clearly, tim used a transparent cup. As Dan said, there is movement. Nothing in the criteria states that the top of the cup or cup cover must be transparent too

  • United States Dustin James

    ma-Ann seriously you guys just need to kick this kid off your site... All he does is complain and cheat on multiple records. Pry more than we know because some are hard to prove. Neil u r a cheater and have no integrity stop questioning these peoples judgement

  • United States Neil Moallem

    Ma-Ann it's not just the top of the cup though, it covers about a third of the cup. And I have watched this video 3 times and still seen no movement of liquid. I even downloaded it from youtube and converted it to a high definition file format and STILL see no movement of liquid.... probably because there was no liquid

  • United States Neil Moallem

    Based on the actual DEFINITION of transparency ( which I have provided the link for, the tin foil does in fact mean the glass isn't transparent. Read the definition please and explain to me how it can be transparent with tin foil covering at least a third of the glass

  • United States Dustin James

    Cheating defined I'd the act of doing something you aren't supposed to when you know it's wrong. Which you have done 2x now and probably more.. Your lucky they are still letting u participate. Stop complaining on every record you don't win, dan already verified this because unlike you tim did not need to be dishonest to break a record

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Neil Tin foil on top doesn't mean the glass isn't transparent. There is movement of the liquid in the glass on the right side of frame at the very end of attempt. I concur with Dustin.

  • United States Dustin James

    Neil.. your the only one on here who tries to cheat (3 inch nose hairs..and extra adhesive on sticky notes) quit complaining, he beat you without cheating

  • United States Neil Moallem

    Okay I don't understand this, this cup is only two-thirds transparent and not fully transparent, how was this accepted? We don't even have clear evidence that there is in fact liquid in the cup

  • United States Neil Moallem

    Dan, I believe the criteria says "coffee must be in transparent cup". Doesn't the tin foil at the top make the cup NOT transparent. I mean unless someone with X-ray vision is judging these records, tin foil can not be seen through haha

  • The Internet Devin Ehrich

    neil really man? painted the glass brown? have you even ever painted on glass before? it would not even work. and only you would keep on thinking of ways for people to cheat. you just need to accept that you got beat and move on, stop trying to find absolutely ridiculous false ideas about others attempts. you can easily tell that the cup is filled with coffee

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Devin Neil Tim There is no evidence of cheating in Tim's pending attempt. We will time it and process it tomorrow.

  • United States Neil Moallem

    I just tried balancing an empty cup on my leg and it is far easier than one filled with liquid. Regardless of how many witnesses Tim has, that cup is not completely transparent as there is foil at the top and there is no PROOF that there is liquid in it. The entire idea of submitting videos is to give PROOF

  • United States Neil Moallem

    Tim you clearly cheated. No liquid can ever be seen moving in your cup. The criteria says use a transparent cup for a reason, yet you cover the top of your cup with tin foil so no one can see that there is not liquid in it. The fact that your cup wasn't entirely transparent should have your record denied, plus the fact that you CLEARLY don't have liquid in it should have you denied a second time.

  • The Internet Tim Elias

    Neil enough dude! seriously...we don't all cheat. I have done this record like 3 times before and I used liquid every time. so why would I not use it this time. you need to just calm down and accept that you lost.

  • United States Neil Moallem

    I would like to warn the recordsetter judges in advance: I have watched Tim Elias's pending attempt at this record and he is very clearly cheating. At no point in the video can we tell that there is in fact liquid in his cup. He could easily have painted the inside of the cup brown, making it extremely light and much easier to balance. Even when he grabs the cup off of his leg at the end of the video, no liquid can be seen moving in the cup. Please review it carefully

  • The Internet Mitch Jankowski

    You don't have your video evidence of balancing an empty cup...sorry ...not to mention that cup is clearly not empty

  • The Internet Mitch Jankowski

    Neil please stop is a clear cup with coffee in it...he has multiple witnesses and he has done it before...not to mention that looks nothing like a paint job...stride...please think about what Neil has done with these competitions...has clearly cheated in multiple records...his comments should mean nothing

  • The Internet Mitch Jankowski

    HAHAH Neil you are silly

  • United States Dustin James

    actually a lighter cup would be harder to balance.. the weight of a liquid keep a cup more in place. No one but you would go to the trouble to cheat by paiting a cup... Your in no place to talk dude when you cheated on the nose hair record.

  • United States Brian Pankey

    It's the browser Jesstin. I switched to IE from firefox

  • The Internet Mitch Jankowski

    you can't have copyrighted logos...ashford baseball is not a copyrighted logo

  • United States J C

    ummmmm.....the upload button doesnt work....or is it just my computer?

  • United States Brian Pankey

    Why is Tim behind a table? I am not judging because I see him do it fine it just have a better camera angle. Also I thought we can't have logos on shirts

  • United States Neil Moallem

    Almost doubled this time, video should be up soon :)

  • United States Neil Moallem

    It clearly states "may not hold onto anything for external support". Key word here being EXTERNAL. As others have various methods of keeping their balance for extended periods of time, holding on to my own body is my method of keeping my balance.

  • The Internet Justin Lister

    hes holding onto his leg with his right hand idk if thats against the rules or not

  • The Internet Tim Elias

    I got some iced coffee for you...and a new record!

  • United States Neil Moallem

    The liquid in that cup looked NOTHING like iced coffee, it was definitely transparent. No matter, I already crushed this time. Mine should be up soon

  • United States Gold Member

    this is Brian's time

  • United States Brian Pankey

    I did this for 36 seconds but somehow it won't count!

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