Record Broken!

See Current

Most Backronyms Created In One Minute

United States

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New York City, New York, United States / March 23, 2010

Diego Medina created 11 backronyms in one minute. His friend Ryan Brown[] created a list of three and four-letter acronyms in advance of the attempt. Medina didn’t the see the acronyms until the record began.

In the midst of the attempt, Medina’s backronym for “POE” was disallowed because he made “O” stand for “oof,” which is not an actual word.

The record was set at a St. Patrick’s-themed World Record Appreciation Society[] event held at Joe’s Pub in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses.


- record setter may not see acronyms in advance of attempt
- each acronym used must consist of three or four letters
- curse words not permitted
- sexist/racist terms not permitted
- proper nouns not permitted
- must use real words
- meanings given to acronyms can be nonsensical


Tags: wordalphabetletterspellacronymbackronym

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