Longest Back Hair (Male)

Attempt Denied!

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Longest Back Hair (Male)

The Internet

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Oak Park, Illinois, United States / May 2, 2012

Dan Knapik has a back hair that measures a 5.50 inches in length.

DENIED: Lacks sufficient evidence.

- must provide measurement
- must provide video evidence


Tags: lengthHuman Bodyhair

  • The Internet stuart white

    i have just come across this due to me having a back hair that i have not measured yet but is much longer than 5.50 inches long what evidence would be needed to send in a request ?

  • The Internet gabrielle

    I have 1 bake hair that is about2 inches

  • Africa eva-1 su

    I can't see anything in this picture, what is measurement of this hair?

  • United States Jenn Wark

    This is definitely an interesting category; however, I'm not seeing a confirmation of the measurement of this hair. I'd love to see that before approving this record.

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