Record Broken!

See Current

Most Aerial Peanut Claps

United States


Los Angeles, California, United States / June 20, 2015

Ray Ligaya tossed a peanut in the air and clapped 12 times before catching it, a World Record. He set the record as part of Planters' "World Nut Records" campaign.

Think you can beat Ray's record? Go to for full info, and stay tuned for more nut challenges throughout the summer of 2015.


- must use a shelled peanut (can be raw, roasted or salted but cannot be modified in any other way)
- must throw nut in air and clap as many times as possible before catching it
- may not use additional props (ie. slingshot) to propel nut higher
- only two-handed claps completed while nut is aloft will be counted
- each clap must be audibly distinct
- must successfully catch nut to complete attempt
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must submit video evidence to


Tags: mostclappingclappeanutnutPlanters

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