Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

12:22 Canada

Longest Time Balancing Four Red Wave Energy Drink Cans On Thumb

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced four Red Wave energy drink cans on his thumb for 10 minutes, 21.72 seconds.

01:43 United States

Most Spins Around A Slackline

Tai Star

Tai Star spun around a slackline 36 times.

04:40 Canada

Longest Time Balancing Two Golf Balls On Top Of An Axe And An Egg On Top Of A Golf Club On Chin

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced two golf balls on top of an axe and an egg on top of a golf club for one minute, 16.29 seconds on his chin. NOTE: This record can be dangerous. Please use caution and have supervision when making an attempt.

07:52 United States

Most 360-Degree Spins While Balancing A Two-Liter Bottle On One Finger

Tai Star

Tai Star completed 168 spins while balancing a two-liter bottle on his finger.

21:19 India

Longest Time Balancing Three Soda Cans On Fingertip

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced three soda cans on his fingertip for 20 minutes, 47.65 seconds.

00:32 United States

Most Donkey Kicks In 20 Seconds

J.allen Smith

J.Allen performed 38 donkey kicks in 20 seconds.

00:19 India

Fastest "Charlier" Card Cut Using A Double Deck Of Cards

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a Charlier card cut in 0.72 second using a double deck of cards.

06:48 Canada

Largest Personal Records Book

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie compiled a book of 638 personal records with 170 pages in length. He created the book on September 10, 1993 and has been updating and adding records to the list ever since. His records were categorized as athletic, academic, spiritual, and circumstantial. See his RecordSetter world records here.

00:50 The Internet

Most Names Given To A Big Toe In 30 Seconds


Mitchell gave his big toe 63 different names in 30 seconds.

01:14 Mexico

Most Two-Handed 110-Pound Dumbbell Hammer Curls

Manuel herlo

Manuel H. performed ten dumbbell hammer curls with both of his hands. Each dumbbell weighs 110 pounds.

00:11 India

Fastest "Revolution Two" And "Saber's Chen Ka Aerial Tosser" Combination

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed a Revolution Two and Saber's Chen Ka Aerial Tosser card cut simultaneously in 3.22 seconds.

05:46 The Internet

Most Fortunes Told In Three Minutes

James MacKenzie

James MacKenzie, also known as "The Inconceivable Gypsy Jim", used a crystal ball to 18 fortunes to six people in three minutes.

02:32 Italy

Fastest Time To Set Up A Domino Chain

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter set up a domino chain in 16.68 seconds.

02:28 Australia

Most Hoop Jumps In Two Minutes While Riding An Inflatable Toy Donkey And Dressed In A Flared Three-Piece Suit

Berg 121

Berg completed seven hoop jumps in two minutes while riding an inflatable toy donkey and dressed in a flared three-piece suit.

02:03 India

Most Cards Dealt With Five Coins Stacked Atop The Deck While Performing A Headstand

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur dealt 14 playing cards with five coins stacked atop the deck. He performed a headstand for the duration of attempt.

04:28 The Internet

Most Toothpicks Inserted In A Stretched Earlobe

Sandi Cummings

Sandi C. inserted 140 toothpicks in her right earlobe. She set the record as part of an assignment for her English 101 class.

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