Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

08:06 United States

Longest Time Balancing A Unicycle Vertically On Forehead

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey balanced a unicycle vertically on his forehead for seven minutes, 56.06 seconds.

02:24 India

Tallest Soda Can Tower Balanced On Left Pinky Finger

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced 11 soda cans on his left pinky finger.

01:41 Canada

Longest Handstand On A Trampoline

Patrice Painchaud

Patrice P. performed a handstand on a trampoline for one minute, 27.47 seconds.

01:54 India

Tallest Soda Can Tower Balanced On Right Middle Finger

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced 11 soda cans on his right middle finger.

01:05 United States

Most Frisbee Toss Clap Catches While Standing On A Slackline

Tai Star

Tai Star performed 47 Frisbee toss clap catches while standing on a slackline.

03:59 India

Most Cards Dealt To The Top Of A Stack Of Five Coins Atop The Deck

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur dealt 10 playing cards to the top of a stack of five coins atop the deck.

02:59 United States

Longest Time For A Coin To Spin In A Bike Tire

Tai Star

Tai Star put a coin in a bike tire and spun the tire with the coin for two minutes, 24.19 seconds.

05:16 United States

Longest Time Balancing A Stack Of 42 Coins On Top Of A 24-Inch Level On Index Fingertip

Tai Star

Tai Star balanced a stack of 42 coins on top of a 24-inch level on his index fingertip for five minutes, 8.80 seconds.

25:03 India

Longest Time Balancing Five Cans On Left Middle Finger

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced five soda cans on his left middle finger for 23 minutes, 59.11 seconds.

01:37 Australia

Longest Time Balancing A Toothbrush On One Finger


WoofDeadBang balanced a toothbrush on his finger for one minute, 24.22 seconds.

12:49 India

Longest Time Balancing Five Cans On Right Middle Finger

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced five soda cans on his right middle finger for 11 minutes, 59.18 seconds.

01:49 India

Farthest Distance Walked Lifting A Cement Bag With Hair While Holding A Cement Bag With Teeth And Balancing Another Cement Bag On Head

Montystar Agarawal

Montystar A. walked 6.5 meters lifting a cement bag with his hair while holding another cement bag with his teeth and balancing another one on his head. The total combined weight of the three cement bags is 150 kilograms.

03:20 Canada

Tallest Penny Tower Stacked On Left Pinky Finger

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman stacked 28 pennies on his left pinky finger.

01:02 Ireland

Longest Fake Burp

Mike Wilde

Mike Baconator produced a fake burp sound that lasted for one minute, 2.00 seconds.

01:11 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 101-Pound Keg

Clint Poore

Clint P. bench pressed a 101-pound keg 33 times.

00:12 Northern Ireland

Most BMX Front Hops In 10 Seconds With Bars Turned 180 Degrees

Martin Tuson

Martin Tuson completed 46 BMX front hops in 10 seconds with the handlebars turned 180 degrees.

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