video game World Records

  1. #21

    Highest Score On A Single Level Of Angry Birds

    MaAnn earned 62,510 points on a single level of Angry Birds[].

    Apr 13 MaAnn 24 comments Philippines
  2. #22

    Most Flags Earned In Survival: Endless Mode Of "Plants Vs. Zombies"

    Teody Jasper Pacion earned 93 flags in Survival: endless mode of Plants Vs. Zombies.

    Apr 13 TeodyJasper 10 comments Philippines
  3. #23

    Most Nintendo DS Cases Balanced On Head In A Public Library

    Mary Beth Graham of the Circulation Department at the Thomas Ford Memorial Library[] balanced 10Nintendo DS cases on her... (more)

    Apr 13 MaryBethGraham 3 comments
  4. #24

    Highest Score On A Single Level Of Angry Birds

    Thomas McGinniss earned 66,100 points on a single level of Angry Birds[].

    Apr 14 tmcginniss 24 comments United States
  5. #25

    Most Nintendo 64 Cartridges Held Upside Down In One Hand At Once

    Stuart Barlowgripped ten Nintendo 64 cartridges in one hand at once.

    Apr 18 StuartBarlow 10 comments England
  6. #26

    Fastest Time To Beat Portal Test Chamber 13 Bonus Map

    Thomas McGinniss beat the Portal Test Chamber 13 bonus map in one minute, 18.62 seconds.

    Apr 19 tmcginniss 6 comments United States
  7. #27

    Highest Score On "Syllable Count" In Brain Age For The Nintendo DS

    Alex Cunningham scored 12 seconds in “Syllable Count” in Brain Age for the Nintendo DS.

    Apr 22 AlexCunningham United States
  8. #28

    Most Nintendo 64 Cartridges Held Upside Down Between Thumb And Index Finger

    Alex Cunningham gripped six Nintendo 64 cartridges at once between his thumb and index finger and held them upside down.

    Apr 25 AlexCunningham United States
  9. #29

    Most Bounces Of A Foam Mini-Football On A Nintendo 64 Cartridge

    Alex Cunningham bounced a foam mini-football on a Nintendo 64[] cartridge five times.

    Apr 25 AlexCunningham United States
  10. #30

    Most Bounces Of A White Board Eraser On A Nintendo 64 Cartridge

    Alex Cunningham bounced a white board eraser on a Nintendo 64[] cartridge seven times.

    Apr 25 AlexCunningham United States
  11. #31

    Largest Collection Of Xbox 360 Games

    Alex Cunningham has 12 Xbox 360 games.

    Apr 25 AlexCunningham 8 comments United States
  12. #32

    Most Xbox 360 Game Cases Balanced On One Hand

    Alex Cunningham balanced 12 Xbox 360 game cases in one hand.

    Apr 25 AlexCunningham 3 comments United States
  13. #33

    Fastest Completion Of SoulCalibur IV Campaign As Tira

    Loic Cremer completed SoulCalibur IV campaign mode as Tira in seven minutes, 4.03 seconds.

    Apr 25 LoicCremer Canada
  14. #34

    Fastest Completion Of "Super Smash Bros." For Nintendo 64

    Dave Betten completed Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 64 in 10 minutes and 48.43 seconds.

    Apr 25 DaveyBets 1 comment United States
  15. #35

    Fastest Completion Of Soulcalibur IV As Talim

    Loic Cremer completed Soulcalibur IV as Talim in seven minutes and 2.72 seconds.

    Apr 26 LoicCremer Canada
  16. #36

    Fastest Time Completing Soulcalibur IV Playing As Nightmare

    Loic Cremer completed Soulcalibur IV playing as Nightmare in six minutes and 26.50 seconds.

    Apr 26 LoicCremer Canada
  17. #37

    Most Eggs Eaten In Angry Pigs Revenge

    Russ Mendez set a record by eating 20 eggs while playing Angry Pigs Revenge[]on his iPhone.

    Apr 28 RussMendez The Internet
  18. #38

    Fastest Time To Lose In "Rock Band"

    Jed Kronfeld lost at Rock Band in 4.40 seconds.

    May 06 JedKronfeld 2 comments The Internet
  19. #39

    Largest Collection Of Xbox 360 Games

    Ben Hillier has 30 Xbox 360 games.

    May 09 BenHillier 8 comments Australia
  20. #40

    Highest Score In "Tiny Wings" (iOS)

    David Holmesscored271,545points inTiny Wingson his iPhone.

    May 09 DavidHolmes 24 comments The Internet
video game records
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