Most Enemies Collected In "Minecraft"
Nikoles R. collected a total of 2,880 enemies in Minecraft.
Jan 29 nikolesrffrsd 2 comments
Most Enemies Collected In "Minecraft"
Anderson collected a total of 576 enemies in Minecraft.
Jan 04 Andersonall 2 comments
Most Enemies Killed At Once In "Minecraft"
Michael Bassoon killed a total of 273 Zombie Pigmen in Minecraft at once.
Mar 28 MichaelBassoon 17 comments
Most Enemies Killed At Once In "Minecraft"
TNTMIner123 killed a total of 320 enemies in Minecraft at once.
May 31 TNTMIner123 17 comments
Most Enemies Killed At Once In "Minecraft"
Anthony A. killed a total of 384 enemies in Minecraft at once.
Nov 12 AnthonyAguirre 17 comments
Longest Time Balancing A Juggling Club On Chin While Balancing On A Rola Bola
Brian Pankey balanced a juggling club on his chin for 6.10 seconds while balancing on a rola bola.
Mar 28 legendary
Longest Time Balancing A Juggling Club On Chin While Balancing On A Rola Bola
Jay B. balanced a juggling club on his chin for 11.72 seconds while balancing on a rola bola.
Apr 14 JayBraggart1
Most Golf Ball Bounces On A Rubber Mallet While Spinning A Pillow
Brian Pankey bounced a golf ball on a rubber mallet 106 times while spinning a pillow in his other hand.
Mar 28 legendary
Longest Time Holding Water In Mouth
Noah Riffe held a sip of water in his mouth for two minutes, 6.57 seconds. He set the record to raise awareness for the Records... (more)
Mar 28 NoahRiffe 56 comments
Longest Time Holding Water In Mouth
Austin Smith held a sip of water in his mouth for four minutes, 42.39 seconds.
Apr 02 AustinSmith1 56 comments
Longest Time Holding Water In Mouth
Dylon Ventura held a sip of water in his mouth for four minutes, 20.83 seconds.
Mar 30 3rdFloorSpruce 56 comments
Longest Time Holding Water In Mouth
Will Hwang held a sip of water in his mouth for four minutes, 20.97 seconds.
Mar 30 WillHwang 56 comments
Longest Time Holding Water In Mouth
Michael Green held a sip of water in his mouth for one hour, 16 minutes, 38.27 seconds.
Apr 25 MichaelGreen 56 comments
Longest Time Holding Water In Mouth
Cooper Reynolds held a sip of water in his mouth for 35 minutes, 55.74 seconds.
Apr 18 CooperReynolds 56 comments
Longest Time Holding Water In Mouth
Payton Fales held a sip of water in his mouth for 50 minutes, 45.12 seconds.
Apr 19 pfpfth 56 comments
Longest Time Holding Water In Mouth
Rodolpho Gargaro held a sip of water in his mouth for 30 minutes, 26.52 seconds.
Apr 16 Jake253 56 comments
Longest Time Holding Water In Mouth
Sydney Remmers held a sip of water in her mouth for 31 minutes, 23.51 seconds.
Apr 17 SydneyRemmers 56 comments
Longest Time Holding Water In Mouth
Rodolpho Gargaro held a sip of water in his mouth for 11 minutes, 4.75 seconds.
Apr 11 Jake253 56 comments
Longest Time Holding Water In Mouth
Keenan Messmer held a sip of water in his mouth for 10 minutes, 19.83 seconds.
Apr 06 KeenanMessmer 56 comments