video game World Records

  1. #261

    Highest Score In "Effing Worms"

    Joseph Nagy earned 217,861,250 points in Effing Worms.

    Jun 20 JoeNagy 9 comments Belgium
  2. #262

    Largest Combo In "Effing Worms"

    Joseph Nagy performed a 164-move combination in Effing Worms.

    Jun 20 JoeNagy 2 comments Belgium
  3. #263

    Highest Score On Level 1-12 Of "Angry Birds"

    Kashwithak earned 63,170 points on level 1-12 of Angry Birds.

    Jun 20 Kashwithak The Internet
  4. #264

    Most Goals Scored During The First Period In "NHL 12"

    John Conger scored seven goals during the first period in NHL12.

    Jun 21 Johnconger The Internet
  5. #265

    Longest Sega Genesis Game Domino Chain

    Scott Walsh created a domino chain using 26 Sega Genesis games and successfully made the entire chain topple.

    Jun 21 ScottWalsh United States
  6. #266

    Highest Score On "Tetris Marathon"

    Michael James earned 715,162 points on Tetris Marathon.

    Jun 21 VictorLin 20 comments The Internet
  7. #267

    Fastest Time To Complete "Spec Ops Mission 1 - Stay Sharp" In "Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3"

    John Conger completed Spec Ops Mission 1 - Stay Sharp in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in 26.70 seconds.

    Jun 21 Johnconger The Internet
  8. #268

    Longest Atari Cartridge Domino Chain

    Scott Walsh created a domino chain using 26 Atari video game cartridges and successfully made the entire chain topple.

    Jun 21 ScottWalsh 6 comments United States
  9. #269

    Most Tetrises In One Game Without Clearing Any Other Lines

    Zack Hample had 25 Tetrises in one game without clearing any other lines.

    Jun 23 ZackHample 4 comments United States
  10. #270

    Longest Atari Cartridge Domino Chain

    Chris Zielinski created a domino chain using 39 Atari video game cartridges and successfully made the entire chain topple.

    Jun 25 ChrisZielinski 6 comments United States
  11. #271

    Most Consecutive Juggles In Arena Mode Of "FIFA 12"

    Jacob Lagana completed 117 juggles in Arena mode of FIFA 12.

    Jun 26 JacobLagana 1 comment The Internet
  12. #272

    Most Consecutive Penalty Goals Scored In "FIFA 12"

    Jacob Lagana scored five consecutive penalty goals in FIFA 12.

    Jun 26 JacobLagana 1 comment The Internet
  13. #273

    Most Consecutive Around-The-World Tricks In "FIFA 12"

    Matt Robinson performed 20 around-the-world tricks in FIFA 12.

    Jun 26 MattRobinson1 Australia
  14. #274

    Fastest Double Kill In "Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3"

    Corey Olsen made a double kill in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 in exactly two seconds.

    Jun 29 CoreyOlsen 1 comment The Internet
  15. #275

    Most Kills In Team Deathmatch In "Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3"

    Kamarr Long made 51 kills in Team Deathmatch (TDM) in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

    Jul 02 KamarrLong 3 comments The Internet
  16. #276

    Most Hours Spent Playing "League of Legends"

    Chris Zielinski spent 92 hours playing League of Legends.

    Jul 04 ChrisZielinski1 3 comments The Internet
  17. #277

    Most Hours Spent Playing "Gears of War 3" (Xbox 360)

    Chris Zielinski spent 369 hours playing Gears of War 3 on his Xbox 360.

    Jul 04 ChrisZielinski1 The Internet
  18. #278

    Most Consecutive Penalty Goals Scored In "FIFA 12"

    Humberto scored 14 consecutive penalty goals in FIFA 12.

    Jul 05 Humberto 1 comment The Internet
  19. #279

    Most Consecutive Two-Block Gap Jumps In "Minecraft" (PC)

    Trevor completed 70 two-block gap jumps on Minecraft.

    Jul 06 Trevorwomack1 32 comments The Internet
  20. #280

    Most Vehicles Stolen In "Saints Row: The Third" In One Minute

    Brady Dekker stole nine vehicles in Saints Row: The Third in one minute.

    Jul 09 BradyDekker Canada
video game records
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