Most One-Armed Leaping Mountain Climbers In Five Minutes
Alicia Weber performed 226 one-armed Leaping Mountain Climber exercises in five minutes.
Jun 14 AliciaWeber 7 comments
Most One-Armed Leaping Mountain Climbers In Five Minutes
Alicia Weber performed 342 one-armed Leaping Mountain Climber exercises in five minutes.
Nov 16 AliciaWeber 7 comments
Most One-Armed Leaping Mountain Climbers In Five Minutes
Alicia Weber performed 366 one-armed Leaping Mountain Climber exercises in five minutes. She set the record to promote awareness... (more)
Jun 06 AliciaWeber 7 comments
Most One-Armed Leaping Mountain Climbers In Five Minutes
Alicia Weber performed 377 one-armed Leaping Mountain Climber exercises in five minutes.
Jan 24 AliciaWeber 7 comments
Most One-Armed Leaping Mountain Climbers In Five Minutes
Alicia Weber performed 409 one-armed Leaping Mountain Climber exercises in five minutes.
Sep 05 AliciaWeber 7 comments
Most Catches Juggling Three Tennis Balls In One Hand In Columns
Brian Pankey completed 43 catches juggling three tennis balls in one hand in columns.
Mar 28 legendary 1 comment
Most Bounces Of A Table Tennis Ball On Top Of A Two-Liter Bottle Filled With Water
Brian Pankey completed 57 consecutive bounces of a table tennis ball on top of a two-liter bottle filled with water.
Mar 28 legendary
Longest Time To Balance A BB Gun Rifle On Chin While Lying Down
Brian Pankey balanced a loaded BB gun rifle on his chin for 32.37 seconds. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be... (more)
Mar 28 legendary
Longest Time To Balance A Golf Club On Top Of 12 Hockey Pucks On Forehead
Doug McManaman balanced a golf club on top of 12 hockey pucks on his forehead for one minute, 34.19 seconds.
Mar 28 DougMcManaman
Fastest 5K Run While Juggling Three Balls And Dressed Like A Penguin
Adam Togami ran a 5K race in 23 minutes, 25.0 seconds. He was dressed as a penguin and juggled three tennis balls throughout the... (more)
Jul 29 AdamTogami 12 comments
Fastest Time To Fit Whole Chocolate Orange In Mouth
Mat Sul fit one whole chocolate orange in his mouth in two minutes, 14.30 seconds. NOTE: Stuffing food in your mouth can be... (more)
Mar 28 MatSul
Most Balls Flashed In One Hand While Spinning A Pillow
Brian Pankey flashed four balls in one hand while spinning a pillow on one finger of his other hand.
Mar 28 legendary
Most Vintage Commercials In A Single YouTube Video
Patrick Scott Patterson compiled 17 vintage commercials in a single YouTube video.
Mar 28 PatrickScott 2 comments
Most Catches Juggling Five Balls In A Half Shower Pattern While Balancing On A Rola Bola
Brian Pankey completed 99 catches juggling five balls in a half shower pattern while balancing on a rola bola.
Mar 28 legendary
Most Enemies Collected In "Minecraft"
Michael Bassoon collected a total of 275 Zombie Pigmen in Minecraft.
Mar 28 MichaelBassoon 2 comments