Strength World Records

696 Records Found

00:30 United States

Most Left-Handed 235-Pound Upright Rows

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. completed five 235-pound upright rows using his left hand.

02:30 India

Most Decline Push-Ups In One Minute With Hands On 2.5-Kilogram Plates

Rajesh Kumar Bagari

Rajesh K. performed 104 decline push-ups in one minute while balancing his hands on 2.5-kilogram plates.

02:40 India

Most Decline Push-Ups In One Minute With Hands On Two Drinking Glasses

Rajesh Kumar Bagari

Rajesh K. performed 110 decline push-ups in one minute while balancing his hands on two drinking glasses.

00:48 The Internet

Most Leg Extension Exercises With A 380-Pound Weight

Mark Alan

Mark A. performed three leg extension exercises with a 380-pound weight.

02:01 The Internet

Most 40-Pound Barbell Wrist Curls In Two Minutes

Ryan Axenroth

Ryan A. performed 300 40-pound barbell wrist curls in two minutes.

The Internet

Most 831-Pound Incline Bench Presses By A 62-Year-Old

Albert Soares

Albert S. performed two consecutive 831-pound incline bench presses. He is 62 years old.

00:26 The Internet

Heaviest Atlas Stone Overhead Press (Athlete Under 200 Lbs)


MightySaxon performed an atlas overhead press using a Slater Stone weighing 240 pounds.

01:36 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 225-Pound Weight (Athlete Under 220 Lbs.)

darius robinson

Darius bench pressed a 225-pound barbell 24 consecutive times. His body weight is less than 220 pounds during the attempt.

01:14 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 365-Pound Weight (Athlete Under 220 Lbs.)

darius robinson

Darius bench pressed a 365-pound barbell five consecutive times. His body weight is less than 220 pounds during the attempt.

00:34 The Internet

Heaviest Thick Handle One-Hand Deadlift (Athlete Under 200 Lbs.)


MightySaxon performed a deadlift with a 130-pound weight. His body weight during the attempt was 185 pounds.

01:19 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 325-Pound Weight (Athlete Under 220 Lbs.)

darius robinson

Darius bench pressed a 325-pound barbell eight consecutive times. His body weight is less than 220 pounds during the attempt.

00:13 The Internet

Heaviest Weight Pulled With Sled Cable And Chains

Mark Alan

Mark A. pulled a 300-pound weight using a sled cable and chains.

00:22 The Internet

Heaviest Dumbbell "Clean" (Athlete Under 200 Lbs.)


MightySaxon performed a 120-pound dumbbell clean. His body weight during the attempt was 198.41 pounds.

01:10 South Africa

Fastest Time To Flip A 150-Kilogram Tire 500 Meters

Neels van

Neels V. flipped a 150-kilogram tire 500 meters in 16 minutes, 12.00 seconds.

03:02 Italy

Heaviest Vehicle Pulled Five Meters Using Teeth While Walking Barefoot Through Broken Glass

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter pulled a car weighing 3,028 kilograms five meters using only his teeth while walking barefoot through broken glass. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt man. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:26 South Africa

Fastest Time To Push A Truck 500 Meters And Flip A 150-Kilogram Tire 500 Meters

Chris Batts

Chris B. pushed a truck 500 meters and flipped a 150-kilogram tire 500 meters in 42 minutes, 15.00 seconds.

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