Strength World Records

696 Records Found

02:01 The Internet

Most Weight In Olympic Plates Stacked On Top Of Someone

Tyler Lazenby

Tyler Lazenby stacked a total of 360 pounds of Olympic plates on his stomach. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

04:30 Canada

Longest Extended Plank On Fists While Carrying One's Body Weight

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed a [plank exercise][1] on his fists with his arms fully extended while carrying additional 182 pounds of weight on his back, which is equivalent to his own body weight. [1]:

04:48 Canada

Longest Eight-Finger Plank With 135 Pounds On Back

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed an eight-finger plank exercise without using his thumbs. He performed the exercise while balancing 135 pounds of additional weight on his back and remained balanced in position for 18.87 seconds.

06:41 Canada

Most Push-Ups In One Minute With 10 Kilograms On Back By A 70-Year Old

Flavio Codarin

Flavio Codarin, a 70-year old, completed 86 push-ups with an additional 10 kilograms of weight on his back in one minute.

03:09 United States

Longest Plank Exercise By An 18-Year-Old With Arms Extended And Carrying Four Kilograms On Back


Pete Moyer, who is 18 years old, performed a plank exercise with his arms fully extended while carrying four kilograms of additional weight on his back. He remained balanced in position for two minutes, 19.26 seconds.

01:28 United States

Longest Plank Exercise On Fingertips By An 18-Year-Old With Arms Extended While Carrying Four Kilograms On Back


Pete Moyer, who is 18 years old, performed a plank exercise on fingertips with his arms fully extended while carrying four kilograms of additional weight on his back. He remained balanced in position for one minute, 9.10 seconds.

02:11 United States

Longest Plank Exercise By An 18-Year-Old With Arms Extended And Carrying Eight Kilograms On Back


Pete Moyer, who is 18 years old, performed a plank exercise with his arms fully extended while carrying eight kilograms of additional weight on his back. He remained balanced in position for one minute, 34.42 seconds.

03:51 United States

Longest Plank Exercise With Arms Extended By An 18-Year-Old


Pete Moyer, who is 18 years old, performed a plank exercise with his arms fully extended. He remained balanced in position for three minutes, 49.46 seconds.

01:09 United States

Fastest Time To Climb Arms-Only Rope In L-Position Wearing 10-Pound Ankle Weights

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber climbed an arms-only rope in 8.95 seconds. She complete the climb in L-position with an additional 10 pounds of weight on her ankles.

00:28 United States

Most Front Weaver Stick Lifts With A Five-Pound Plate

Derrick Clark

Derrick Clark completed five front weaver stick lifts with an additional five pounds of weight added.

01:08 France

Fastest Time To Complete 100 Push-Ups On Fists

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume Bourgeois completed 100 push-ups on his fists in 30.64 seconds.

01:39 France

Most Consecutive Side Plank Press-Ups While Wearing A Boxing Glove

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume Bourgeois completed 25 consecutive side plank press-ups while wearing a boxing glove on his right hand.

01:09 France

Most Jumping Side Plank Press-Ups While Wearing A Boxing Glove

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume Bourgeois completed 11 jumping side plank press-ups wearing a boxing glove on his right hand.

00:55 United States

Most Consecutive Two-Medicine Ball Tricep Push-Ups With An Elevated Leg In One Minute (Female)

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 25 consecutive tricep push-ups on two medicine balls in one minute with an elevated leg.

06:35 United States

Most Consecutive Egg-On-Spoon Pull-Ups With Declined One-Armed Push-Ups

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 11 pull-ups and 15 declined one-armed push-ups while balancing an egg on a spoon held in her mouth.

01:43 France

Most Side Plank Press-Ups On A Can

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume Bourgeois completed 20 side plank press-ups while balancing with his right hand on a soda can.

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