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696 Records Found

Most Reps Bench Presing A Fiery Flintstone Barbell
Omega Force

Most Stability Ball Squats In 30 Seconds While Holding Two 100-Pound Dumbbells
Clint Poore

Most Times To Bench Press A Person In 15 Seconds
Clint Poore

Most Consecutive 80-Pound Dumbbell Presses (Left Arm)
Clint Poore

Most 315-Pound Upright Rows
Jason A Faulkner

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 24-Pack Of "Ski" In 15 Seconds
Clint Poore

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 24-Pack Of "Ski" In 30 Seconds
Clint Poore

Heaviest Person Lifted Using A Neck Harness
Clint Poore

Heaviest Wooden Log Curl
Clint Poore

Fastest Time To Perform 100 Sand Deep Squat Jumps While Tossing A 10-Pound Medicine Ball
Alicia Weber

Most Consecutive Reps Pressing Two 60-Pound Dumbbells Overhead
Clint Poore

Most Consecutive Reps Pressing A 95-Pound Big Red Dumbbell (Right Arm)
Clint Poore

Most Consecutive Reps Pressing A 95-Pound Big Red Dumbbell (Left Arm)
Clint Poore

Most Plyometric Nose-In-Hole Push-Ups
Guillaume Bourgeois

Most Eight-Fingered Push-Ups With 50 Pounds On Back
Darryl Learie

Most Phone Books Ripped In Half In Ten Minutes
Michael Martin
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