Push-up World Records

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179 Records Found

United States

Fastest Time To Do Five Jumping Reverse Ridge Hand Push-Ups

Derrick Clark

Derrick Clark completed five jumping reverse ridge hand push-ups in 7.43 seconds.

00:39 England

Fastest Time To Make 20 Catches Juggling Three Balls After Completing 20 Fingertip Push-Ups

Ewan Clementson

Ewan Clementson completed 20 fingertip push-ups followed by 20 catches of three juggling balls in 24.09 seconds.

22:46 United States

Fastest Time To Perform 250 Perfect Pull-Ups And 250 Perfect Reptile Push-Ups

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 250 perfect pull-ups and 250 perfect Reptile Push-ups in 21 minutes, 0.17 second.

00:14 Norway

Highest Flying Push-Up

Ahmed Valentino

Ahmed "Iron Monkey" Kerigo performed a flying push-up using stacks of small benches 1.36 meters high. He is the founder and CEO of the calisthenics group Team Physix-Zero Gravity.

01:26 United States

Longest 90-Degree Static Hold Push-Up With 25 Pounds On Back

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed a static hold in a 90-degree push-up position for one minute, 1.60 seconds while carrying a 25-pound weight on her back.

04:49 Canada

Longest Eight-Finger Plank

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed a plank exercisewithout thumbs and remained balanced in position for four minutes, 27.51 seconds.

02:09 Canada

Longest Eight-Finger Plank With 100 Pounds On Back

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed an eight-finger plank exercise without using his thumbs while carrying 100 pounds of additional weight on his back. He remained balanced in position for 52.70 seconds.

04:48 Canada

Longest Eight-Finger Plank With 135 Pounds On Back

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed an eight-finger plank exercise without using his thumbs. He performed the exercise while balancing 135 pounds of additional weight on his back and remained balanced in position for 18.87 seconds.

03:31 Canada

Longest Eight-Finger Plank With 75 Pounds On Back

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed an eight-finger plank exercise without using his thumbs with 75 pounds of additional weight on his back and remained balanced in position for one minute, 22.80 seconds.

01:58 Canada

Longest Four-Finger Plank

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed a four-finger plank exercise without using his thumbs, ring fingers and pinkies. He remained balanced in position for one minute, 35.40 seconds.

03:30 Australia

Longest One-Elbow Plank With 25 Pounds Of Weight On Back

Mick Bourke

Mick Bourke performed a plank exercise using his left elbow. He performed the exercise while balancing 25 pounds of additional weight on his back and remained balanced in position for 52.90 seconds.

06:33 Australia

Longest Plank With 75 Pounds On Back

Mick Bourke

Mick Bourke performed a plank exercise on his elbows with 75 pounds of additional weight on his back and remained balanced in position for three minutes, 55.41 seconds.

03:33 Canada

Longest Six-Finger Plank

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed a six-finger plank exercise without thumbs and pinkies. He remained balanced in position for three minutes, 9.54 seconds.

01:28 Canada

Longest Six-Finger Plank With 75 Pounds On Back

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed a six-finger plank exercise without using his thumbs or pinkies with 75 pounds of additional weight on his back. He remained balanced in position for 34.14 seconds.

16:04 United States

Longest TRX Knee Tuck Push-Up Cadence Test

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed the TRX knee tuck push-up cadence test for 16 minutes.

05:15 United States

Longest TRX Two Medicine Ball Knee Tuck Push-Up Cadence Test

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed the TRX two-medicine ball knee tuck push-up cadence test for exactly five minutes.

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