People World Records
People Challenges
- Most People Balancing On An A4 Piece Of Paper
- Most People Gathered During The Holidays, Wearing Ugly Sweaters, Singing An Original Christmas Song
- Most People Reciting "Pledge Of Allegiance" At Once
- Most People Made To Fit Into A Mini Cooper
- Most People At A House Party
- Most People To Wear The Same Shoes In 60 Seconds
- Most People To Balance A Cup Of Water On Their Head At Once
- Most People To Wear The Same Tshirt In 60 Seconds
- Most People To Stand On Twister Mat
- Most People To Hold On To A Piece Of Uncooked Spaghetti At Once
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642 Records Found

Most People Front Flipped Over At Once
Mason Mccreary

Longest Pop 'n' Lock Armwave
Kelsey A

Largest Group Of Zombies In A 4th Of July Parade
Terror Technologies

Most People To Sit On Balloons And Pop Them At Once
Prestonwood Church

Longest Human Domino Chain
Andrew Brackmann

Most People Jumped Over On A Slip 'n Slide

Most Consecutive Eskimo Kisses
Pavol Durdik

Largest Toothbrush Circle
Chilton Saint James School

Longest PlayStation Network Party Chat
Liam Pile

Most People Walked Over While Juggling Five Lit Torches
Cool Juggler

Most People On A Loveseat At Once
Jump Out La Salle

Most People High Fived In One Minute

Most Strangers High Fived In One Minute

Most People High Fived In A Rainy Parking Lot
Mel Sampson

Most People Playing Ukuleles While Wearing Fake Mustaches
liz kitney

Largest Thumb Wrestling Circle
ACCYM Senior High Assembly
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