Most World Records

7868 Records Found

09:55 Australia

Most McDonald's Products Eaten In 40 Minutes As A Result Of A Facebook Dare

Matthew Kelly

Matthew Kelly ate a total of 14 McDonald’sproductsin 40 minutes as a result of aFacebook dare.His meal consisted of four cheeseburgers, four medium fries, two large chocolate sundaes and four medium-sized colas. NOTE: Speed eating can be hazardous to one’s health. Please use caution.

00:31 United States

Most People To Lift Up Bikes And Say "Break Cancer" After 40-Mile Ride

Texas 4000

28 people from 2011 LIVESTRONG Texas 4000 Team lifted their bikes up and said “Break Cancer” following a 40-mile ride.

03:35 The Internet

Most Brazilian Flags Fit In A Heart-Shaped Porcelain Container

Aristobulo Lima

Aristobulo Lima placed 57 Brazilian flags in a heart-shaped porcelain container.

00:49 United States

Most Connect Four Pieces Spun At Once

Emily Wilson

Emily Wilson got seven Connect Four pieces spinning at the same time.

00:15 United States

Largest Group Wearing Santa Hats At Once

Lake Travis Elementary School

1,058 students and staff of Lake Travis Elementary School wore santa hats at once. #RecordSetterBook01

05:43 United States

Most Grilled Sliders Eaten By One Person In Five Minutes

Matt Robicelli

Matt Robicelli ate 13 two-ounce grilled sliders in five minutes. He completed this as part of League Of Amateur Competitive Eaters competition at the Burger Bistro in Brooklyn, New York. NOTE: Speed eating can be hazardous to one’s health. Please use caution.

02:28 United States

Most Two-Ounce Grilled Sliders Eaten by Four People In Five Minutes

Rob Blatt, Will True, Matt Robicelli, John Bilancini II

Rob Blatt, Will True, Matt Robicelli, and John Bilancini II ate a total of 39 two-ounce grilled slidersin five minutes as part of League Of Amateur Competitive Eaters[] event at the Burger Bistro in Brooklyn, New York. NOTE: Speed eating can be hazardous to one’s health. Please use caution and have adult supervision on hand.

00:42 The Internet

Most Half Peanuts Swallowed In One Minute


Simon of Eatbigproductions swallowed 20 half peanuts in one minute. NOTE: Speed eating can be dangerous. Please use caution when making an attempt.

03:21 United States

Most Movies Returned To Redbox In 90 Days

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey rented and returned 27 movies to Redbox in a 90-day period.


Most Family Members To Say "Breast Cancer Awareness For Young Women" At Once

Larsen Family

17 members of the Larsen Family /Team Shan gathered to say “Breast Cancer Awarenesss for Young Women”.


Most Chicken Wings Eaten While A Former Co-Worker Sings A Song About Snow

Ryan Hohman

Ryan Hohman a.k.a. The Ultimate Wingman, ate six chicken wingswhile his former co-worker sang a song about snow. Hohman’s New Year’s resolution[]is to to eat 2,011 chicken wings in the year 2011. Hohman set the record at a World Record Appreciation Society event held at Littlefield in Brooklyn, New York. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. [#WRAS20][]

00:55 The Internet

Most "Delayed Rimshot" Jokes Delivered In 90 Seconds

Evan Altshuler

Evan Altshuler delivered 10 delayed rimshot jokes in 90 seconds. After each joke, drummer Mike Pride waited at least two seconds before hitting a rimshot. Altshuler set the record at a World Record Appreciation Society event held at Littlefield in Brooklyn, New York. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. [#WRAS20][]

01:06 United States

Most "Cancer" Notes Thrown In Trash Can In 30 Seconds

Mason Kinard

Mason Kinard trashed “Cancer” 28 times in 30 seconds.

01:19 United States

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Rubik's Cube While Spinning A Toothbrush

Brian Pankey


Most Improvised Rhymes In 150 Seconds While Impersonating Marlon Brando And Playing Bongo Drums

Thomas Anawalt

Actor Thomas Anawalt completed eight improvised rhymes in two and a half minutes while impersonating Marlon Brando and playing bongo drums[]. Anawalt set the record at a World Record Appreciation Society event held at Littlefield in Brooklyn, New York. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. [#WRAS21][]


Most Chromatic Scales Played By A Xylophonist And A Bassist In One Minute

The Xylopholks

The Xylopholks, a New York City musical duo consisting of a xylophonist and bassist, played a combined total of 61 chromatic scales in one minute. The Xylopholks set the record at a RecordSetter LIVE! event held at Littlefield in Brooklyn, New York. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses.

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