Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:41 Russia

Most Consecutive Back Flips On Spring Stilts

Michael Piolunkovskii

Michael P. performed 27 consecutive back flips using spring stilts.

00:33 The Internet

Most Consecutive Back Handsprings

Adam Menzies

Adam Menzies completed 40 consecutive back handsprings.

00:14 Australia

Most Consecutive Back Handsprings In 10 Seconds (Junior)

Taia Jude

Taia J. performed 11 back handsprings in 10 seconds.

00:19 The Internet

Most Consecutive Back Hip Circles In A Gym By A Level 4 Gymnast

Deacon Bezner

Deacon B. performed five consecutive back hip circles in a gym. He is a level 4 gymnast.

01:41 The Internet

Most Consecutive Back Jumps On A Bed

Toby Lasco

Toby L. back jumped on his bed 114 times.

01:36 United States

Most Consecutive Back Of Head Presses With 150 Pounds By A Male Over 50 Years Old


Hammer Head completed 31 consecutive back of head presses with 150 pounds of weight.

01:43 France

Most Consecutive Back-Of-Hand Flying Superman Push-Ups

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume B. performed 44 consecutive back-of-hand flying superman push-ups.

00:49 Italy

Most Consecutive Back-Of-Hand Ipsilateral One-Arm One-Leg Push-Ups

andrea pallini

Andrea P. performed five consecutive back-of-hand ipsilateral one-arm one-leg push-ups.

16:19 United States

Most Consecutive Back-Of-Hand Push-Ups In 15 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 212 back-of-hand push-ups in 15 minutes.

00:51 United States

Most Consecutive Back-Of-Hand Push-Ups On A Beach

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 40 back-of-hand push-ups on a beach.

01:10 France

Most Consecutive Back-Of-Hand Side Plank Push-Ups

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume B. performed 19 consecutive back-of-hand side plank push-ups.

00:27 Canada

Most Consecutive Backspins While Holding A Can Of Sun Drop

Dan Rollman

Dan Rollman completed 1.5backspins while holding a can of Sun Drop[].

00:36 Scotland

Most Consecutive Balloon Bounces Between Mother And Son

zoe johnstone

Zoe and her son bounced a balloon back and forth to each other 26 consecutive times.

01:11 Slovakia

Most Consecutive Balloon Bounces On A Cotton Bud In 30 Seconds

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik bounced a balloon on a cotton bud 131 times in 30 seconds.

00:42 Slovakia

Most Consecutive Balloon Bounces On A Cotton Bud In 30 Seconds While Lying Down

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik bounced a balloon on a cotton bud 131 times in 30 seconds while lying down.

01:06 Slovakia

Most Consecutive Balloon Bounces On A Cotton Bud In 40 Seconds While Lying Down

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik bounced a balloon on a cotton bud 84 times in 40 seconds while lying down.

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