7868 Records Found

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 380-Pound Wooden Log
Clint Poore

Most Jumping Jacks In 30 Seconds
Brandon Mcalughlin

Most Catches Juggling Seven Balls In Shower Pattern
Alex Rumford

Most Duckpin Bowling Pins Knocked Down In One Hour
Francis Levine-Croteau

Most Yoga Asanas In 12 Hours (Female)
spkschools namakkal

Most Catches Juggling Three Rocks While Balancing On A Slackline
Noël Cadeau de

Most Bounces Of A Tennis Ball On A Tennis Racquet In One Minute

Most Catches Juggling Eight Balls In Shower Pattern
Alex Rumford

Most Straddle Jumps On A Trampoline In 50 Seconds
Olivia Ashton

Most Times Pressing The Lap Button On An iPad Stopwatch In 10 Seconds
Matthew O'Neal

Most Consecutive Boards Broken Using High Kicks
Kevin Taylor

Most "Top Spot" World Records On RecordSetter.com
Clint Poore

Most Carrots Bought While Wearing A Bunny Suit
Brian Wetherholt

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 395-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)
Clint Poore

Fastest Time To Perform 25 Saber's Flipper Card Cuts While Holding Three 5-Pound Exercise Plates On Three Fingers
Kamal Aslam

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 305-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)
Clint Poore
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