Most World Records

7868 Records Found


Most Website URLs Tattooed On Body

Pat Vaillancourt

Pat Vaillancourt had 10,012 website URLs tattooed on his body.

00:16 United States

Most Balls Juggled With A Spin To A Gather

Cirque Colour

Cirque Colour juggled nine balls and completed a 360-degree spin before catching them.

01:19 England

Most High Fives In One Minute While Wearing A Banana Costume


Alex Clayton exchanged high fives with 116 people in one minute while wearing a banana costume.

04:08 United States

Most Caps And Pencils Put Into A Pencil Box

Anthony De

Anthony D. put 95 pencils and 5 bottle caps into a pencil box.

02:38 Netherlands

Most Dice Held In One Hand

quinten de

Quinten D. held 225 dice in one hand.

00:58 The Internet

Most Mouse Clicks In The "World Mouse Clicking Championship"

Jay Memus

Jay M. clicked a mouse 412 times using World Mouse Clicking Championship.

02:32 France

Most One-Armed Back-Of-Hand Push-Ups On An Incline In One Minute

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume B. completed 49 back-of-hand push-ups on an incline using one arm in one minute.

00:48 United States

Most Paradiddle Diddles In 10 Seconds

Ian Allen

Ian A. performed paradiddle diddles 27 times in 10 seconds.

00:36 United States

Most Reps In A Silver Dollar Deadlift Using Humans

Omega Force

Jonathan Centers of Omega Force Strength Team completed 11 reps in a silver dollar deadlift. The weights used were two people. WARNING: Weightlifting can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional weightlifter. We will not accept submissions from minors.

00:44 United States

Most Eggs Broken Over Another Person's Head In 15 Seconds

My Damn Channel

My Damn Channel host Trish Nelson broke 15 eggs over Beth Hoyt's head in 15 seconds.

00:50 Japan

Most One-Handed Curls With A Spinning Plate On Top Of A Stick In 30 Seconds


JugglerMasayan completed 15 consecutive one-handed curls with a spinning plate on top of a stick in 30 seconds.

00:40 United States

Most Consecutive 100-Pound Left-Arm Dumbbell Presses

Clint Poore

Clint Poore performed 11 left-arm dumbbell presses using a 100-pound weight.

00:43 United States

Most Consecutive 100-Pound Right-Arm Dumbbell Presses

Clint Poore

Clint Poore performed 12 right-arm dumbbell presses using a 100-pound weight.

00:44 United States

Most Perfect Push-Ups With 135-Pound Weight On Back

Clint Poore

Clint Poore completed 15 perfect push-ups while carrying a 135-pound weight on his back.

08:50 United States

Fastest Time To Set 100 Total Body Exercise Records Up To One Hour Long

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 100 total body exercise records in 107 days. Each record attempt lasted for up to one hour.

01:19 United States

Most Hand Balance Single Spin Flips With A Juggling Club In One Minute

Richard Kohut

Richard Kohut performed 45 hand balance single spin flips with a juggling club in one minute.

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