7868 Records Found

02:47 United States

Most Pears Fit In Hand

Tai Star

Tai Star fit 24 pears in his hand at once.

01:14 Georgia

Most Push-Ups On Fists With 100 Pounds On Back In One Minute

Georgian Records Federation

George Matureli of Georgian Records Federation completed 38 push-ups using his fists while wearing 100 pounds of additional weight on his back in one minute.

00:39 Slovakia

Most Times Bouncing A Balloon On Back Of Left Hand In 30 Seconds

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik bounced a balloon 165 times in 30 seconds on the back of his left hand.

00:46 England

Most Front Walkovers In 30 Seconds

Maggie Foulds

Maggie F. made 32 front walkovers in 30 seconds.

00:37 United States

Most Double Under Jump Rope Jumps In 30 Seconds

Graham Booth

Graham Booth from Cary YMCA Super Skippers performed 93 double-jump rope jumps in 30 seconds. He set the record during the 2014 US National Jump Rope Championships.

03:15 United States

Most Alternating Squat Thrusts In One Minute

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 372 alternating squat thrusts in one minute.

03:09 Belgium

Tallest Toilet Paper Roll Tower Held In Hand


Frederic D. held 17 toilet paper rolls in one hand. He set the record for Sziget Festival.

07:09 Slovakia

Most Consecutive Eskimo Kisses

Pavol Durdik

Pavol and his partner eskimo kissed 898 times.

03:55 Slovakia

Most CDs Stacked On A Pencil

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik stacked 51 CDs on a pencil.

02:07 Slovakia

Most Party Blowers Played Simultaneously

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik played 12 party blowers simultaneously.

03:10 Australia

Most Bunnies Snuggled With In A Hammock


Nathan Morris, a radio DJ at Nova 93.7 in Perth, Australia, snuggled with 50 bunnies in a hammock at once, a new world record. He beat actress Cameron Diaz’s record by two bunnies. Morris performed the feat live on his Nathan and Nat with Shaun McManus[] radio show on July 3, 2009. Nick Daly was present as a witness. tag:RecordSetterBook01

01:48 United States

Most Push-Up/Pull-Up Combos In One Minute

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 20 push-up/pull-up combos in one minute.

01:24 Slovakia

Most Double Rotation Jump Rope Jumps In One Minute

Peter Durdik

Peter Durdik performed double rotation jumps using a jump rope 106 times in one minute.

01:57 Slovakia

Most Balled Up Socks Held In One Hand

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik held 56 balled up socks in his hand.

03:11 Slovakia

Most Cotton Buds Put In Mouth In 30 Seconds

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik put 85 cotton buds in his mouth in 30 seconds. WARNING: Stuffing items in mouth can be dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.


Most Consecutive Bounces Of Two Balloons On Head

Angel Barcia

Angel Barcia kept two balloons aloft using only his head for a total of 45 bounces.

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