Juggling World Records

Juggling world records are enormously popular at RecordSetter. Hundreds of categories have been established, and if you can throw things in the air and catch them again, you've got a shot at beating any of them. Balls, knives, bowling pins and eggs feature prominently, but, if that seems too easy, check out the juggling records involving candy bars, beanbag chairs and traffic cones.

Other ways to add difficulty to juggling world records include standing on a rola bola, performing on a unicycle, or lighting things on fire.

1191 Records Found

02:02 United States

Longest Time To Juggle Four Juggling Rings While Balancing On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled four juggling rings while balancing on a rola bola[] for one minute, 53.08 seconds.

00:23 United States

Most Catches Juggling Four Softballs While Balancing A Softball On Forehead

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 58 catches while juggling four softballs and simultaneously balancing a softball on his forehead.

00:58 United States

Most Consecutive One-Handed Catches Juggling Two Basketballs In One Hand While On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 51 catches while juggling two basketballs in one hand while on a rola bola.

00:12 United States

Farthest Basketball Shot While Juggling Two Basketballs In One Hand And Hula Hooping


Pete Moyer made a successful basketball shot from 21 feet away while juggling two basketballs in one hand and hula hooping.

00:14 New Zealand

Most Mini Basketballs Rolled In A Juggling Pattern

Mark Williams

Mark W. rolled 11 mini basketballs in a juggling pattern.

00:34 England

Fastest Time To Cascade A Club, Ring, And Ball 100 Times In A Row

Ewan Clementson

Ewan Clementson cascaded a club, a ring, and a ball 100 times in a row in 27.76 seconds.

01:07 United States

Fastest Time To Complete 200 Juggling Cascade Patterns Bounced On A Wall

Nate Tower

Nate T. completed 200 cascade patterns in 46.60 seconds. Each ball juggled bounced off of the wall before returning to his hand.

02:06 United States

Longest Time To Juggle Two Clubs In One Hand While Balancing On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled two clubs in one hand for one minute, 7.24 seconds while balancing on a rola bola.

00:19 United States

Fastest Time To Complete 10 Bounces Of A Ping Pong Ball On Alternating Sides Of A Paddle, 10 Push-Ups And 10 Catches Juggling Three Balls In A Reverse Cascade Pattern

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 10 bounces of a ping pong ball on alternating sides of a paddle followed by 10 push-ups and 10 catches juggling three balls in a reverse cascade pattern in 16.13 seconds.

01:02 United States

Most Consecutive Dribbles Of A Basketball Off Of The Side Of A Building While Juggling Two Tennis Balls In Other Hand In One Minute

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey dribbled a basketball 142 consecutive times in one minute while juggling two tennis balls in the other hand.

00:53 United States

Most People Walked Over While Juggling Torches

Cool Juggler

CoolJuggler walked over eight people while juggling three lit torches.

00:40 United States

Longest Time Juggling Four Balls Behind Back While Bicycling

Cool Juggler

Cool Juggler juggled four balls behind his back for 30.27 seconds while riding a bicycle.

02:24 Canada

Most Consecutive Seven-Ball Flashes In 15 Seconds


Louis Barbier completed seven seven-ball flashes in 15 seconds.

00:48 United States

Most Catches While Juggling Five Table Tennis Balls

Vaughan Heussenstamm

Vaughan Heussenstamm completed 173 catches while juggling five table tennis balls.

00:44 Canada

Most Catches Juggling Two Basketballs One-Handed While Spinning A Basketball On A Pencil

Mason Axcell

Mason A. completed 42 catches juggling two basketballs one-handed while spinning a basketball on a pencil.

01:01 United States

Most Catches In One Minute While Juggling Three Balls In A Box Pattern


Pete Moyer completed 397 consecutive catches in one minute while juggling three balls in a box pattern.

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