Juggling World Records

Juggling world records are enormously popular at RecordSetter. Hundreds of categories have been established, and if you can throw things in the air and catch them again, you've got a shot at beating any of them. Balls, knives, bowling pins and eggs feature prominently, but, if that seems too easy, check out the juggling records involving candy bars, beanbag chairs and traffic cones.

Other ways to add difficulty to juggling world records include standing on a rola bola, performing on a unicycle, or lighting things on fire.

1191 Records Found

12:07 The Internet

Fastest Time To Run A Mile Backwards Juggling

Joe Salter

Joe Salter ran one mile backwards in seven minutes, 37.25 seconds while juggling.

01:00 Canada

Most Catches While Juggling A Three-Ball Shower Pattern In One Minute

Mike Moore

446 consecutive catches while juggling a three-ball shower pattern in one minute.

00:45 United States

Most People Walked Over While Juggling Five Lit Torches

Cool Juggler

CoolJuggler walked over five people while juggling five lit fire torches. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:42 United States

Most Consecutive Catches Of A Tennis Ball On The Base Of A Tennis Ball Can While Juggling Three Balls And Standing On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 18 consecutive catches of a tennis ball on the base of a tennis ball can while juggling three balls and balancing on a rola bola.

01:12 United States

Most Consecutive Catches While Juggling Two Five Pound Exercise Balls And Spinning A Toothbrush On One Finger

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 49 consecutive catches while juggling two five pound exercise balls and spinning a toothbrush on one finger.

41:34 United States

Longest Time Juggling Three Balls With One Hand

Stacey Hill

Stacey's friend juggled three balls with one hand for 41 minutes, 6.69 seconds.

00:40 United States

Most Hats Juggled

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled four hats.

01:02 United States

Most Consecutive Waffle Flips In A Skillet While Juggling Two Eggs In One Minute

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 33 consecutive waffle flips in a skillet while juggling two raw eggs in one minute.

01:02 Switzerland

Fastest 400 Meter Dash While Juggling

Franz Roos

Franz Roos completed a 400-meter run in 56.06 seconds while juggling three balls.

01:13 United States

Most Consecutive Catches Juggling Three Five-Pound Exercise Balls In A Shower Pattern While On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 33 consecutive catches juggling three five-pound exercise balls in a shower pattern while on a rola bola.

00:31 England

Most Consecutive Catches Juggling Six Rings On A Rola Bola

Norbi Whitney

Norbi W. completed 30 consecutive catches juggling six rings while balancing on a rola bola.

01:56 Australia

Most Catches Juggling Three Clubs While Swallowing A Sword And Balancing On A Rola Bola

Aerial Manx

Aerial Manx made 20 catches juggling three clubs while swallowing a sword and balancing on a rola bola. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

00:20 England

Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Paddle While Juggling Two Juggling Rings And Kneeling

Ewan Clementson

Ewan Clementson bounced a table tennis ball on a paddle 28 times while juggling two juggling rings simultaneously while kneeling.

37:38 Slovakia

Longest Time Balancing A Golf Ball On Top Of A Soccer Ball On Non-Dominant Hand

Peter Durdik

Peter Durdik balanced a golf ball on top of a soccer ball on his non-dominant hand for 34 minutes, 51.00 seconds.

01:19 United States

Fastest Time To Name All 50 US States While Juggling Three Tennis Balls

Justin Landers

Justin L. named all 50 US States in 15.66 seconds while juggling three tennis balls.

01:00 United States

Most Consecutive Waffle Flips In A Skillet While Juggling Two Eggs On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 15 consecutive waffle flips in a skillet while juggling two raw eggs on a rola bola.

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