Juggling World Records

Juggling world records are enormously popular at RecordSetter. Hundreds of categories have been established, and if you can throw things in the air and catch them again, you've got a shot at beating any of them. Balls, knives, bowling pins and eggs feature prominently, but, if that seems too easy, check out the juggling records involving candy bars, beanbag chairs and traffic cones.

Other ways to add difficulty to juggling world records include standing on a rola bola, performing on a unicycle, or lighting things on fire.

1191 Records Found

00:23 The Internet

Most Catches Juggling A Homemade Voodoo Bee Doll, A Solved Rubik's Cube, And An Open Pocket Knife

Ryan Matoush

Ryan M. completed 18 catches juggling a homemade voodoo bee doll, a solved Rubik's cube and an open pocket knife. WARNING: This record can be dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional juggler. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:28 The Internet

Most Catches Juggling Five Clubs While Swallowing A Sword

Bill Berry

Bill B. made 50 catches juggling five clubs while swallowing a sword. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

09:48 United States

Longest Time Juggling Three Juggling Clubs (Junior)

Justin Landers

Justin L. juggled three juggling clubs for nine minutes, 9.00 seconds.

00:19 United States

Most Catches Juggling Three Stuffed Octopus Toys In Mills Mess Pattern

Seth Magee

Seth M. completed 27 catches juggling three stuffed octopus toys in a Mills Mess pattern.

02:53 United States

Most Catches Juggling Five Dube 2.25-Pound Exerballs

Seth Magee

Seth M. completed 65 catches juggling five 2.25-pound Dube exerballs.

00:03 England

Fastest Time To Complete 10 Catches While Juggling Three Stress Balls

Ewan Clementson

Ewan Clementson completed 10 catches while juggling three stress balls in 2.03 seconds.

00:35 England

Most Catches While Juggling Two Balls In One Hand And Hanging From The Other

Ewan Clementson

Ewan C. completed 19 catches while juggling two balls in one hand and using the other hand to hang from a ladder.

05:16 United States

Longest Time Dribbling A Basketball In One Hand While Juggling Two Balls In The Other Hand

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey dribbled a basketball in his hand while juggling two balls in the other hand for four minutes, 51.14 seconds.

04:37 United States

Most Consecutive Tosses Juggling Three Balls Off Of A Wall In A Cascade Pattern

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 672 tosses while juggling three balls off of a wall in a cascade pattern.

02:34 United States

Most Boomerangs Juggled At One Time

David Cain

David Cain juggled five boomerangs at one time.

01:00 United States

Longest Time Juggling Three Balls In A Shower Pattern While Lying Down

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled three balls in a shower pattern while lying on his back for 59.52 seconds.

01:48 United States

Longest Time To Bounce Juggle A Three-Ball Cascade Synchronized Pattern With Four Four-Inch Diameter Bounce Balls While Kneeling

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounce juggled three balls in a cascade pattern, altnerating sides between the left and right side, for one minute, 45.50 seconds.

01:06 United States

Most Consecutive Mills Mess Patterns While Juggling Three Clubs In One Minute

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 50 Mills Mess patterns while juggling three clubs in one minute. He completed a total of 51 but the last attempt did not fall inside the one minute mark.

01:03 United States

Most Consecutive Clawing Catches During A Three-Ball Mills Mess Juggling Pattern In One Minute

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 54 consecutive [claw catches][1] during a three-ball Mills Mess juggling in one minute. Each catch was performed with the palm facing downward, referred to as “clawing”. [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claw_(juggling)

01:02 United States

Most Consecutive Clawing Catches In One Minute While Juggling Three Balls

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 245 claw catches in one minute while juggling three balls. Each catch was performed with the palm facing downward, referred to as “clawing”. He completed a total of 250 catches but the last five attempts did not fall inside the one minute mark.

00:58 The Internet

Most Catches Juggling Three Clubs While Hula Hooping And Balancing On A Rola Bola

Kyle Petersen

Kyle Petersen completed 117 catches juggling three clubs while hula hooping and balancing on a rola bola.

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