Game World Records
Game world records, whether real-world or virtual, are set after hours of intensive training and practice. Childhood favorites like Connect Four sit alongside recent iPhone hits such as Angry Birds. Whether your passion is board games or video games, you'll find a category to compete in here.
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2218 Records Found

Highest Score In "Germz" (Online)
Joseph Kenneally

Lowest Score Earned Fighting Glass Joe In "Punch-Out!!"
William Moore

Highest Score In "Shuriken Block" (Online)
Jon H

Highest Score In "Valentine Hearts" (Online)
Joseph Kenneally

Highest Score In "Popcorn Ninja: Classic Mode" (Online)
Joseph Kenneally

Highest Score In "Sparks" (Online)
Joseph Kenneally

Fastest Completion Of "Pokemon Crystal"
Matthew Felix

Fastest Completion Of Pokemon FireRed On Gameboy Advance
Matthew Felix

Fastest Time To Drive 10 Laps Backwards On The "Moo Moo Meadows" Track In "Mario Kart Wii"
T. K.

Highest Score In "Karate Champ" (MAME Emulator)
Brandon LeCroy

Fastest Completion Of The Second Half Of World 1-1 Of "New Super Mario Bros. Wii" (Wii)
Matthew Felix

Longest "Pokemon FireRed" Play Time
Joseph Kenneally

Fastest Time To Knock Out Glass Joe In "Punch-Out!!" (NES)
William Moore

Fastest Time To Kill 10 Tektites In"The Legend Of Zelda"

Highest Points In "Tetris Splash" (Xbox LIVE)
Christopher C.

Longest All-Ages Soccer Game Marathon
Gregory Leonarczyk
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