Game World Records
Game world records, whether real-world or virtual, are set after hours of intensive training and practice. Childhood favorites like Connect Four sit alongside recent iPhone hits such as Angry Birds. Whether your passion is board games or video games, you'll find a category to compete in here.
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2218 Records Found

Most Online Multiplayer Kills On Halo 3 (Xbox 360)
Jacob Ruthruff

Most People Air Thrusting In "Grand Theft Auto V: Online"

Most People Dancing "The Electric Slide" On A Football Field

Most People Participating In A Hula Hoop Game
Brian Jackson

Most People Playing "Knight, Cavalier, Princess"
iD Tech Camps Villanova University

Most People Playing A Game Of Table Football
The Club of Springville

Most People Playing Arcade Games At Once
Doc Mack

Most People Playing 'Gorilla, Man, Gun' At Once

Most People To Perform The "4-6-6-6-4" Hand-Clapping Game
Executive Mayor

Most Perfect Games Thrown In Wii Sports Bowling
Nicholas J

Most Pester Balls Thrown In One Minute In "Pokemon Snap" (N64)
Yahya ijaz

Most PlayStation 2 Games
Simon Perkins

Most Points Earned In "Eurosong Generator" (Online)
World Records For Everyone!

Most Points Scored As Dirk Nowitzki In A Single Game Of "NBA Live 2010"
Jerry Bauer

Most Points Scored By A Single Player In A Three-Minute Quarter Game Of "NBA Jam" (Mobile)
Tyler Backus

Most Points Scored In 1P Mode Of "Super Smash Bros." (Wii Virtual Console)
Doug Kramer
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