587 Records Found

01:38 United States

Most Chews Of A Baby Carrot

A.J. Jacobs

A.J. Jacobs chewed a baby carrot 96 times before swallowing it. Jacobs set the record at a RecordSetter LIVE! event held at The JCC in Manhattan in New York City. RecordSetter Council president Dan Rollman and senior official Ella Morton presided over the attempt. #RSLIVE24

42:12 Slovakia

Most Passes Of An Apple Between Hands

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik passed an apple between his hands 9,824 times.

01:00 United States

Most Times Dipping Finger Into A Cup Of Pudding In One Minute

Royce Allred

Royce dipped his finger into a cup of pudding 246 times in one minute.

02:06 United States

Most Times Dipping A Cheesy Tater Tot Into Ranch Dressing

Dylan Pulaski

Dylan dipped a cheesy tater tot into ranch dressing 166 times.

00:30 Belgium

Most Times Bouncing A Calamari Ring Using Another Calamari Ring

Pedro Elias

Pedro Elias bounced a calamari ring nine times using another calamari ring.

00:33 Belgium

Most Calamari Ring Bounces Using Another Calamari Ring Ending With A Breakdance Routine

Pedro Elias

Pedro Elias bounced a calamari ring on another calamari ring five times, ending with a breakdance routine.

00:30 Belgium

Highest Calamari Ring Throw Caught With One Finger

Pedro Elias

Pedro Elias threw a calamari ring six inches high and caught it using his index finger.

03:47 United States

Tallest House Of Cards Built Using Doritos


Shawn built a house of cards using Doritos 5.12 inches in height. The record was set as part of the Doritos Bold 50 campaign.

01:09 Italy

Longest Cheese Pull

Carlo Alberto Orecchia

Carlo Alberto Orecchia pulled a 41.5 inch string of cheese from a pizza slice. Carlo is the host of the All The Pizza show by Tastemade. RecordSetter official Dan Rollman was present to adjudicate the attempt.

01:31 The Internet

Longest Grapefruit Peel

Joshua Kilbride

Joshua K. carved a grapefruit peel 48 inches long.

01:13 Spain

Longest Clementine Peel

Jack Foster

Jack F. carved a clementine peel 44 inches long.

01:03 The Internet

Longest Distance For A Hot Dog To Travel Along A Zip Line


Team #BornToBun from Oscar Mayer Hotdoggers sent two hotdogs down a 91.66 foot zip line.

02:31 England

Farthest Distance To Blow A Snickers Bar In One Minute

Paul (Pabs) Melia

Paul's friend, Chantel, blew a Snickers chocolate bar 277 inches (23.08 feet) away in one minute. She set the record at Redi X, a youth project for teenagers in Bootle, UK.

02:50 The Internet

Largest Rice Krispie Treat Cake

Sara Murillo

Sara Murillo and Stephanie Shea made a Rice Krispie Treat cake that measured 18 inches in diameter.

01:35 Scotland

Largest Bite Taken Out Of An Apple

Adam Craig

Adam C. took a bite from an apple that measured 2.90 inches in width.

33:36 India

Longest Solo Cooking Marathon

Raj Mohan

Chef M.S. Raj Mohan performed a cooking marathon that lasted 48 hours. He cooked a total of 1,204 food items at Poppys Hotel in Tamil Nadu, India. The cooked food was distributed to the public, orphanages and homes for the aged.

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