587 Records Found

Most Toppings On A Pizza

Fastest Time To Pick All 49 Flavors Out Of A Two-Pound Bag Of Jelly Belly Jelly Beans
Bash Kira

Fastest Time To Eat 50 Cadbury Creme Eggs
Miki Sudo

Largest Bite Taken Out Of An Apple
Adam Craig

Most Goldfish Crackers Caught In Mouth While Barefoot And Listening To "Dog Days Are Over"
Nate Bertsch

Most Mini-Marshmallows Fit In Closed Mouth
Michael Amato

Fastest Time To Eat An Ordinary Size Tomato
Justin Michaud

Fastest Time To Eat A Dozen Scrambled Eggs And Two Pieces Of Toast
Travis Mizejewski

Fastest Time To Eat A Head Of Iceberg Lettuce
Travis Mizejewski

Fastest Time To Make 200 Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwiches
Justin Epps

Most Smarties Candies (USA) Launched By A Spoon Caught In Mouth
Emily Winniman

Fastest Time To Decorate A Chocolate Domino Cake
Zsuzsanna Kiraly

Most Eggs Broken Over Another Person's Head In 15 Seconds
My Damn Channel

Fastest Time To Eat 10 McDonald's Hamburgers While Dressed As Hamburglar
Wayne Algenio

Most Crawfish Kissed In 30 Seconds
Nicole Monahan

Fastest Time Eating Five Snickers Bars
Jonathan Clarke
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