Food World Records

587 Records Found

10:31 England

Largest Gummy Worm Eaten

Essex Animal

The Essex Animal ate a three-pound gummy worm.

01:56 England

Most Maple Syrup Consumed at Once

Essex Animal

The Essex Animal drank one kilogram of maple syrup. WARNING: Speed drinking can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed drinker. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

08:41 England

Fastest Time To Eat 100 Marshmallows

Essex Animal

The Essex Animal ate 100 marshmallows in 15 minutes, 2.00 seconds. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

03:53 England

Most Peas Eaten In One Minute Using A Toothpick

Essex Animal

The Essex Animal ate 55 peas in one minute using a toothpick. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

08:11 England

Fastest Time To Drink Four Cans Of Carlsberg Special Brew

Essex Animal

The Essex Animal drank four cans of Carlsberg Special Brew in four minutes, 29.70 seconds. WARNING: Speed drinking can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed drinker. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:02 The Internet

Fastest Time To Eat A 650-Gram Cup Of Strawberry Yogurt

Colin Rich

Colin R. ate a 650-gram cup of strawberry yogurt in 38.96 seconds. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept speed eating submissions from minors.

31:31 United States

Most Bags Of Chips Eaten By Two People For A YouTube Video

Naader Reda

Naader Reda and Von7animefreak ate a total of 50 bags of chips for a YouTube video. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept speed eating submissions from minors.

03:18 United States

Most Baby Spinach Leaves Eaten Consecutively

Tanner Woodson

Tanner W. ate 54 baby spinach leaves consecutively. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

04:04 Australia

Fastest Time To Eat 12 Meat Pies

Isaac H-D

Isaac H-D ate 12 meat pies in four minutes, 45.24 seconds. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:49 United States

Fastest Time To Drink A Glass Of Combined Lemon, Olive, And Pickle Juice

Johnny Fizz

Johnny F. drank a 1.75-cup of combined lemon, olive, and pickle juice in 27.35 seconds. WARNING: Speed drinking can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional speed drinker. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

02:47 United States

Fastest Time To Drink A Large McDonald's Milkshake While Operating A Shake Weight

Naader Reda

Naader Reda drank a large McDonald's milkshake in 40.60 seconds while operating a Shake Weight. WARNING: Speed drinking can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional speed drinker. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

14:19 United States

Most Sugar-Free Russell Stover Chocolate Rabbits Eaten For A YouTube Video

Naader Reda

Naader Reda ate four sugar-free Russell Stover chocolate rabbits for an Easter YouTube video. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:56 India

Most People Eating Apples At Once

spkschools namakkal

1,006 students from SPK Schools in Namakkal, India ate apples at once. The record was organized by Dr. S.Prabu Kumar, chairman of the school institution.

27:53 United States

Most Jars Of Mayonnaise Eaten In One Sitting

Naader Reda

Naader Reda ate five jars of mayonnaise in one sitting. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:14 United States

Fastest Time To Eat Six Saltine Crackers

Rufus Zombot

Rufus Z. ate six Saltine crackers in 20.68 seconds. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:39 Australia

Most Strawberries Fit In Open Mouth In 25 Seconds

Hayden Berry

Hayden B. fit 16 strawberries in his mouth in 25 seconds. WARNING: Stuffing food in your mouth can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

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