Fastest World Records

Many world record holders have proven they're the best by being the fastest. People show off their speed in the areas of sports, music, video games, recitation and much, much more. No matter what your hobby, if you can do it fast, you stand a chance at becoming a global champion. Hurry up and set a world record!

2591 Records Found

07:06 Scotland

Fastest Time To Complete A 1500-Meter Road Run While Carrying A 40-Pound Rucksack

William Cannon

William C. completed a 1500-meter road run in five minutes, 35.37 seconds while carrying a 40-pound rucksack. He set the record to raise funds for The National Autistic Society in Scotland.

09:08 The Internet

Fastest Time To Subtract Two 80-Digit Numbers By Memory

Praveen Spirals

Praveen Spirals subtracted two 80-digit numbers in one minute, 15.80 seconds using only his memory.

04:29 The Internet

Fastest US Cannonball Transcontinental Drive

Dave Black

Dave Black, Ed Bolian, and Dan Huang completed the US Cannonball transcontinental drive in 28 hours, 50 minutes, and 30.00 seconds.

01:11 France

Fastest Time To Read A Page From "The Swiss Family Robinson" Book

K Hodge

K. Hodge read a page from the novel The Swiss Family Robinson in 33.03 seconds.

00:37 United States

Fastest Completion Of 28 Cartwheels


Leah completed 28 cartwheels in 35.84 seconds.

01:46 United States

Fastest Time To Perform 100 Strict V-Squats With A BOSU

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 100 strict V-squats with a BOSU in one minute, 46.84 seconds.

00:40 United States

Fastest Time To Switch From Lotus Pose To Thunderbolt Pose While Balancing On An Exercise Ball

Tai Star

Tai Star switched from Lotus pose to Thunderbolt pose in 3.75 seconds while balancing on an exercise ball.

03:37 United States

Fastest One-Leg 500-Meter Row (Rower Under 136 Lbs.)

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed a one-leg 500-meter row in two minutes, 6.80 seconds. Her body weight at the time of attempt is under 136 pounds.

01:08 The Internet

Fastest Game Of Suicide Chess

Grant Fikes

Grant and Bo played a complete game of suicide chess in 32.98 seconds.

00:28 South Africa

Fastest Time To Flip A 209-Kilogram Tire One Kilometer

Chris Batts

Chris Batts flipped a 209-kilogram tire one kilometer in one hour, 42.00 minutes.

06:32 Scotland

Fastest Time To Run 400 Meters While Carrying A 150-Pound Rucksack

William Cannon

William C. ran 400 meters in four minutes, 34.28 seconds while carrying a 150-pound rucksack.

01:08 The Internet

Fastest Time To Eat Five Cheetos Puffs From Someone Else's Toes

Cody Helm

Cody Helm ate five Cheetos fed to him by his friend using only her toes in 29.34 seconds.

08:38 United States

Most Pizza Rolls Eaten By Five People In 15 Minutes

Adam Fuhriman

Adam and four of his family members ate 254 pizza rolls in 15 minutes. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:06 India

Fastest Time To Recite 199 Nations

Rahamath Ali

Rahamath Ali recited 199 nations in 52.43 seconds.

02:03 United States

Fastest Time Trial On SNES Donut Plains I In "Mario Kart DS"

Alex Cunningham

Alex Cunningham finished a time trial of the "SNES Donut Plains I" track in Mario Kart DS in one minute, 16.653 seconds.

Fastest Application Of Classical Dance Make-up To 100 Artists

K. Sri Kanth

K. Sri Kanth put classical dance make-up on 100 different artists in 100 minutes.

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