Fastest World Records

Many world record holders have proven they're the best by being the fastest. People show off their speed in the areas of sports, music, video games, recitation and much, much more. No matter what your hobby, if you can do it fast, you stand a chance at becoming a global champion. Hurry up and set a world record!

2591 Records Found

00:11 United States

Fastest Time To Carry A Saint Bernard 50 Feet

Clint Poore

Clint Poore carried his Saint Bernard, Ezekiel, 50 feet in 5.62 seconds.

00:55 England

Fastest Time To Rap The Third Verse Of "Still Speedin' Remix" By Sway

Rhys Harris

Rhys rapped the third verse of Still Speedin' Remix by Sway feat. Lupe Fiasco in 20.84 seconds.

00:7 United States

Fastest Time To Toss A Water Balloon From Behind The Back And Have It Burst On The Tip Of An Open Umbrella Held Over Head

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey tossed a water balloon from behind his back and burst it on the tip of an open umbrella held over his head in one minute, 20 seconds.

10:52 The Internet

Fastest Time To Eat An 11.5-Ounce Bag Of Doritos

Nic Barroga

Nic B. ate an 11.50-ounce bag of Doritos in nine minutes, 46.54 seconds. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

14:52 United States

Fastest Time To Complete "Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo" (MAME)

Bobby Wilson

Bobby Wilson completed a game of Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo in nine minutes, 22.00 seconds.

1:15:57 The Internet

Fastest Time To Install A Residential Solar Photovoltaic System

SHARP SunSnap™ Sierra Pacific Home and Comfort

Sierra Pacific Home and Comfort installed a 12-panel, 2.82 kW residential solar photovoltaic DC system in one hour, fifteen minutes and 48.17 seconds. They used SHARP’s SunSnap™ System, a new power-generating solar appliance with a flexible and scalable design that lets installers save hours over a traditional install, and homeowners to start saving with solar energy.

00:58 The Internet

Fastest Time To Complete A 100-Meter Sprint In "International Track & Field" (PlayStation)

Golden Salonge

Andy S. of Golden Salonge completed a 100-meter sprint in International Track & Field in 7.20 seconds.

01:17 France

Fastest Time To Complete 100 One-Armed Push-Ups While Wearing A Boxing Glove

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume B. completed 100 one-armed push-ups in 42.35 seconds while wearing a boxing glove.

00:30 United States

Fastest Time To Break Five Apples In Half With Bare Hands

Clint Poore

Clint P. broke five apples in half with his bare hands in 6.90 seconds.

00:30 United States

Fastest 3-6-3 Speed Stacking While Balancing A Pin On Forehead

Thom Wall

Thom Wall performed a 3-6-3 speed stacking in 14.25 seconds while balancing a pin on his forehead.

04:47 The Internet

Fastest Completion Of "Tetris Splash" (Xbox LIVE)

Bill Cassaday

Bill C. completed Tetris Splash in four minutes, 19.00 seconds.

00:39 United States

Fastest "Word Alphabet" In A Toyota Prius

Prius Records

This record was set as part of Toyota Prius Records, a two-day event streamed live on the Internet. In a 48-hour period, URDB officials adjudicated 200 Prius-related world records. This was the most records ever documented in a 48-hour window, a world record in and of itself. The event took place in Los Angeles, California on March 30th and 31st, 2011. See all the records set at the event here.

01:08 United States

Fastest Time To Unwrap A Toyota Prius Wrapped In Gift Wrap And Bow

Prius Records

This record was set as part of Toyota Prius Records, a two-day event streamed live on the Internet. In a 48-hour period, URDB officials adjudicated 200 Prius-related world records. This was the most records ever documented in a 48-hour window, a world record in and of itself. The event took place in Los Angeles, California on March 30th and 31st, 2011. See all the records set at the event here.

04:07 United States

Fastest Time To Climb The Princess' Secret Slide In Super Mario 64

Alex Cunningham

Alex Cunningham climbed the Princess’ secret slide in Super Mario 64 in three minutes and 57.82 seconds

00:31 United States

Fastest Time To Beat Portal Test Chamber 13 Bonus Map

Matt Siegfried

Matt Siegfried beat the Portal Test Chamber 13 bonus map in 12.56 seconds.

02:41 The Internet

Fastest 30-Foot Backwards Dash

Erik Chard

Erik Chard completed a 30-Foot Backward Dash in 2.50 seconds.

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