Fastest World Records
Many world record holders have proven they're the best by being the fastest. People show off their speed in the areas of sports, music, video games, recitation and much, much more. No matter what your hobby, if you can do it fast, you stand a chance at becoming a global champion. Hurry up and set a world record!
2591 Records Found

Fastest "Triple Charlier" Card Cut While Spinning A Toothbrush On A Pen
Kamal Aslam

Fastest "Triple Z" Playing Card Cut
Kamal Aslam

Fastest "Two-Packet Forward" Card Rotation
Kamal Aslam

Fastest "Windmill" Playing Card Display
Kamal Aslam

Fastest "Word Alphabet" In A Toyota Prius
Prius Records

Fastest 100 Chest-Touching-Ground Reptile Push-Ups
Alicia Weber

Fastest 100 Elevated Leg Lifts, 10-Yard Archery Bullseye Combination
Alicia Weber

Fastest 100 Yard Dash While Devil Sticking A Crutch And Wearing Swim Fins
Brian Pankey

Fastest 100 Yard Dash While Juggling Three Basketballs And Wearing Swim Fins
Brian Pankey

Fastest 100 Yard Dash While Wearing Swim Fins And Juggling Five Softballs
Brian Pankey

Fastest 100 Yard Dash While Wearing Swim Fins And Juggling Four Soccer Balls
Brian Pankey

Fastest 100 Yard-Dash In High Heels And A Dress
Joey O'Connell

Fastest 100% Completion Of "Sonic & Knuckles" As Knuckles
Matthew Felix

Fastest 100-Meter Crab Walk
Alicia Weber

Fastest 100-Meter Cross Country Ab Wheel Arm Walk
Alicia Weber

Fastest 100-Meter Dash While Juggling Overhead
Nate Tower
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