December 2024
This is the place where legends are made. Here you will find leaderboards of greatness. Share your records with your friends and you could find yourself on some of these lists in no time.
People most Awesome'd
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Most Awesome'd attempts
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Most Competitive Records
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Most Discussed Records
Which records have the most comments?
- 1 Fastest Time To Write An Encrypt...
- 2 Longest Knife Throw on a Man-Siz...
- 3 Longest Time Balancing On One He...
- 4 Largest File Size
- 5 Youngest PhD Student In Politics...
- 6 Fastest Time To Complete A Game ...
- 7 Fastest Time To Finish Death Egg...
- 8 Highest "Flappy Bird" Score
- 9 Longest Palindrome
- 10 Most Toothpicks Stuck In An Appl...