Comedy World Records

56 Records Found

11:49 Canada

Most Questions Asked During A Drive-Thru Visit

Mel Sampson

Mel Sampson of 89.3 K-Rock asked 85 questions through the intercom at a fast food restaurant drive-thru during a single visit. #RecordSetterBook01

00:14 The Internet

Most Snorts In Ten Seconds

Michael Clark

Michael Clark snorted 58 times in 10 seconds.

00:54 The Internet

Most Strangers Marker Mustached In 30 Seconds

Thomas Buchanan

Thomas B. led a member of Revolve Student Ministry of Oologah Assembly of God to marker mustache 37 people in 30 seconds.

00:17 India

Fastest Time To Blow Up A Balloon With Nose Until It Pops

Suresh Gaur

Suresh G. inflated a balloon using his nose until it popped in 10.62 seconds.

01:24 Canada

Most Callers To Say "Bazinga!" On A Live Radio Show In One Minute

Mel Sampson

Mel Sampson had 28 callers say "Bazinga!" in one minute. She set the record as part of The Drive Home with Mel World Record Week 4 during a live broadcast at 89.3 K-Rock radio.

01:46 Canada

Most Bread Loaves Squeezed In One Minute

Mel Sampson

Mel Sampson squeezed 60 bread loaves in one minute. She set the record as part of The Drive Home with Mel World Record Week 4 during a live broadcast at 89.3 K-Rock radio.

06:15 Spain

Largest Slip 'n Slide Toilet Paper Pyramid

OtraMovida Records

Otra Movida host Florentino Fernández slid on a Slip 'n' Slide into a toilet paper pyramid constructed from 480 paper rolls. They set the record during the last "I Love Jimmy Fallon" segment of Otra Movida.

03:38 Australia

Most Streamers Attached To A Real-Life Nyan Cat

Skaidris Gunsmith

Skaidris Gunsmith attached five streamers to his cat, making it a real-life Nyan Cat.

United States

Fastest Time For 15 People To Impersonate Adam Sandler


15 people impersonated Adam Sandler in 38.56 seconds. They set the record during an episode of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon in New York City. RecordSetter co-founders Dan Rollman and co-founder Corey Henderson presided over the attempt. NOTE: The original plan was to have 17 people involved in the record, but two dropped out at the last minute. #LNWJF

00:31 Philippines

Most Lit Candles Extinguished By Farting

Gerard Jessie

Gerard Jessie extinguished five lit candles by farting.

01:30 United States

Most Goofy-Faced Selfies Taken While Dancing in 10 Seconds

Candace and Grace

Candace and Grace took 90 goofy-faced selfies in 10 seconds while dancing.

00:19 The Internet

Fastest 100 Yard-Dash In High Heels And A Dress

Joey O'Connell

Greg M. completed a 100 yard dash while wearing high heels and a dress in 17.40 seconds.

20:01 The Internet

Longest Fake Telephone Conversation Using A Cream Cake As Telephone

Melanie McGehee

Melanie M. held a fake telephone conversation using a cream cake for 16 minutes, 37.74 seconds.

01:41 United States

Longest Chain Of People To "Pretend Faint"

Jin K

A total of 75 middle and high school students and leaders of Harris Creek Baptist Church in Waco, Texs consecutively fainted in a row.

06:23 Czech Republic

Longest "SpongeBob" Laugh

Just Doing

Just Doing laughed like SpongeBob for six minutes, 20.94 seconds.

00:24 United States

Most Empty Boxes Knocked Down With A Broom While Riding A Pallet Jack

Guido Balducci

Guido Balducci knocked over 44 empty paper boxes with a broom while riding a pallet jack. The wall of boxes he’d set up originally had 55 boxes. tag:RecordSetterBook01

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