Record Broken!

See Current

Most Continuous "Legs-To-Back-To-Legs" Somersaults On A Trampoline

The Internet


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States / April 12, 2015

Ryan D. performed 25 "legs-to-back-to-legs" somersault tricks on a trampoline.

- may not pause between somersaults
- each somersault includes three bounces: bounce on feet, then bounce on back, then back on feet
- incomplete somersaults aren't count
- no harnesses or support from others is permitted
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostwildcardjumpinglegbacktrampolinesomersault

  • The Internet Maia Steel

    who came up with the name of this, thats not even the correct terms to use it should be - three quarter summersault to feet then back pullover to feet.

  • Czech Republic Petr Janík

    Good job! I feel like I can do up to 100 if I will be more concentrated, but with regard to give you a chance to beat me, I upload a video of 40.

  • United States Jenn Wark

    Impressive! I feel like this should be set to music.

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