Longest Nose Hair Pulled Out Using Tweezers


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Zurich, Switzerland / November 4, 2022

Milan Branisavljevic pulled out his nose hair 20 millimeters long using tweezers.

- must pull a hair directly from nostril's skin
- loose hairs not permitted
- must pull hair with tweezers
- must show hair length on camera and measure immediately after pulling it out
- if possibility exists that hair has been replaced for measurement, attempt will be denied


Tags: longestnoseStridenose hairtweezers

  • United States Craig M.

    Congrats t rex game . You deserved it as you pulled out a real nose hair.

  • The Internet Josiah Zacharias

    I just plucked a 17 and I thought THAT was long. yeesh.

  • The Internet Josiah Zacharias

    I just plucked a 17 and I thought THAT was long. yeesh.

  • The Internet Josiah Zacharias

    I just plucked a 17 and I thought THAT was long. yeesh.

  • The Internet Josiah Zacharias

    I just plucked a 17 and I thought THAT was long. yeesh.

  • The Internet Josiah Zacharias

    I just plucked a 17 and I thought THAT was long. yeesh.

  • United States Vernon Frenzel

    :) Found something usefull for Vernon SR xD

  • The Internet Mitch Jankowski

    congrats vernon...for pulling out a legit nose hair, good for you

  • United States Dustin James

    lol 16 is the record! jordan and neil found 70 mm nose hairs?? makes me really question their honesty on the other records

  • United States Vernon Frenzel

    Vernon Frenzel Sr. Got a 16 and an 18mm one the other day :D

  • The Internet Mitch Jankowski


  • United States Emily Patricia

    Tuesday at 11:59 PM EST

  • The Internet Jordan Yaun

    Dan What Is The Absolute Last Day To Get Our Records In. I Have Looked For It On The Website

  • The Internet Tim Elias

    and no plugging one nostril when you blow your nose to hold the long hair in there boys

  • The Internet Mitch Jankowski

    hahahahah...ok lets see if we get the 70 mm again

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    People, we hear the uproar. This is an extremely difficult category to moderate. Upon further review and intense analysis (we stuffed hair up our own nostrils to test various methodologies), we are left with no option but to deny all submissions up to this point. None of the current videos provide definitive evidence of the hair pulled clearly being a nose hair.

    To compete in this category moving forward, you must show:

    1. A strong blow of the nose before attempt begins.

    2. A clear shot of the tweezers, with no hairs visible.

    3. A very tight shot of the nostril's interior as the hair is pulled.

    Strategically, we suggest focusing on hairs closer to the nostril's edge instead of a deep pull, which we won't be able to approve.

    Our apologies to those of you who've submitted videos up to this point. This category evolved to a place we'd never imagined. As always, please understand that we're making our decisions to the best of our abilities based on what seems most appropriate and fair.

  • The Internet Jordan Yaun

    this is bs!

  • United States Dustin James

    So what is going on with this one? If I have to, I can 'act' like these guys did, and pull out a 12 inch long hair out of nose

  • United States Good Bye

    I've nothing to hide, guys. Do your worst.

  • United States Dustin James

    your dishonesty here really makes me question the others you did

  • The Internet Mitch Jankowski

    neil clearly you are not honest on this one my guy...if you had a 3 inch nose hair, it would be hanging down by your lip, same with Jordan...that record is physically impossible

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Dustin We hear you. The length of hairs pulled by the category leaders does indeed raise questions. We will review all attempts tomorrow and respond with a decision.

  • United States Dustin James


  • United States Dustin James

    average nose hair CAN grow to 1 inch... when your 80!! check the website. I really doubt a 20 something year old pulled out one over 3 inches.. when the average for that age is 1/4 inch

  • United States Dustin James

    Stride. If I really have to, I'll stick a 4 inch hair in my nose and act like I pulled it out. Once again, a 3 inch nose hair would go from your eyebrows down to your lips? you went from 15 to 79? Just trying to restore the integrity to these competitions

  • United States Neil Moallem

    Now I know why you're complaining, you hold ZERO records hahahaha

  • United States Dustin James

    lol. and watch your first video. Your showing the hair your pulling out and they are all less than an inch. Nose hair is all the same (or at least close) length. This has to be denied, this is so fake

  • United States Dustin James

    u can't choose to break this record. It's if you have a long nose hair. I studied science in school my man, and nose hair is only at the base of your nose. If you has a 3 inch hair in there it would be hanging down to your chin. And nose hairs is stright, so it would curl around in your nose... hmmm? 15 mm to 32 to 52 to 75 to 79? seems a little fishy. It's all good. I know STRIDE can put 2 and 2 together. Its crazy you didnt pull out the 79 or even the 75 mm aone out the first time?? lol pathetic

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Jordan Vernon Schuyler This attempt has already been broken, but to address Jordan and Veron's valid comment, we've raised this to 77. The video at 3:23 does indeed display that length.

  • United States Neil Moallem

    Go look at how many records I hold and then question my integrity. It's people like you that destroy this community: people who would rather pester and annoy others with false claims than break the records themselves. GET A LIFE hahaha, too low

  • United States Dustin James

    how do you go from a 15 mm hair at the beginning to one that is 3 inches? 3 inches is longer than most tweezers lol. I'm sure Stride can use some common sense here and realize that it is not legit. Your pulling out hairs, then you happen to pull out one that looks long enough to measure? but none of the other ones look like they are long enough to measure. all your hairs would be about the same length. No one has 3 inch long nose hair bro. oh well, I guess try to fool stride. Stride... really 15 mm to 79mm? he just happens to keep "barely" breaking the record every time someone else has it

  • United States Neil Moallem

    Dustin, I understand your concerns, but I can assure you that I am an honest record breaker. I don't have to reach that far into my nose to pull out a hair that long because I don't need to nab the hair at its root to pull it out. I will gladly blow my nose next time I decide to break this. You see, I am Middle-Eastern and am therefor very hairy, which is why I have such long nose hairs. I can only speak for myself

  • United States Dustin James

    And if you look at the broken records... these guys just keep happening to beat the record? Neil went from a 15 mm hair his first attempt to a 79mm hair, there is that big of a difference in his nose? And Jordan went from 20mm to 76mm? I would love for this to go to someone who is honest in their attempts.

  • United States Dustin James

    Listen- I seriously contemplated sticking a 80 millimeter hair in my nose, and then acting like I pulled it out, but I'm an honest person and I thought to myself just how ridiculous that is. I measured that out, its over 3.1 inches. I have long fingers and that is longer than my index finger. 79 millimeters is longer than my entire nose. I'm not second guessing you guys' judgement, but there is no way someone pulls over a 3 inch hair out of their nose. He wasn't even reaching 2 inches into his nose, yet he pulled out one 3 inches? I think you need to make the person blow their nose before the attempt. I could stick a 4 inch hair up my nose and act like I pull it just to win 500 bucks. Just trying to keep people honest here. thanks!

  • United States Alyjha Williams

  • United States Alyjha Williams

  • United States Alyjha Williams

  • United States Vernon Frenzel

    Schuyler - Also 3:23 you can clearly see it's all the way at the end starting at 0. So I'm with Jordan.

  • United States Schuyler Van Horn

    Jordan - 3:23 you say 'going from the 1 - all the way down to 77'

  • United States Good Bye

    Rob, I don't understand what you mean. The end of the ruler is zero, not one. I can't see a point in the video where it looks like it begins at 1.

  • United States Good Bye

    Ok now I understand what you're talking about. When I was measuring it I called the beginning "one". I meant zero, but don't normally consider counting it as such. As Vernon said, the measurement begins at zero despite what I said.

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    Jordan - a member of out team just mentioned that your measurement begins at 1mm and goes all the way to 77m. Thus making your nose hair length 76mm.

  • United States Vernon Frenzel

    Bahahahaha "I don't have that clear tape, like those rich kids." xD

  • United States Schuyler Van Horn

    ok just for reference here people. 75mm is 2.95 inches. Wow. just wow. and gross.

  • United States Neil Moallem

    I'm seriously running out of long nose hairs, no joke. It's taking me longer and longer to find a long one to pull out

  • United States Alyjha Williams


  • United States Neil Moallem

    Yeah I had to fish that sucker out of the back of my nose. The longest hairs are back there

  • United States Good Bye

    I think I'm gonna give up on this one. I don't think I have any anywhere near that long. Impressive.

  • United States Good Bye

    Neil, while I don't like being accused of cheating, you do make valid points. It's up to the judges. I can always redo it if my integrity is questioned. It's not like I'm running short on nose hair.

  • United States Neil Moallem

    I would like to point out to Stride that we never actually saw the hair come out of his nose. He could have had the hair sitting on that piece of paper the entire time because he never showed the paper at the beginning of the video to show that there wasn't already a hair on it

  • United States Schuyler Van Horn

    FYI - 32mm is just about an 1.5 inches. This one's definitely getting marked as 'gross'.

  • United States Good Bye

    Good job Neil. I have some practicing to do.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    This is beyond gross. Gah!

  • United States Emily Patricia

    Jordan, if you win over $4,000 or something like that, I propose you take a trip to NYC to meet the team.

  • United States Neil Moallem

    Wow Jordan, long nose hair hahaha. I don't know if any of mine are that long

  • United States Dan Leatherman

    This is also a trick they use to make actors cry sometimes, ouch.

  • United States Jennifer Wark

    This makes my eyes water. Ow!

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