Record Broken!

See Current

Most Swords Swallowed At Once While Suspended Upside Down




Garching an der Alz, Bavaria, Germany / January 6, 2016

Franz Huber swallowed three swords at once while being suspended upside down.

WARNING: Sword swallowing can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.


- must swallow swords simultaneously
- sword blades must be at least 15 inches in length
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence



Tags: mostwildcardswordupside downswallowing

  • Australia Aerial Manx

    Fantastic Franz, you are a legend.

  • United States Nicholas Penney

    Is my record actually broken? I ask because as the original record setter, the rules state "must follow form of current world record holder", I did NOT tape my swords together like Hans did. Taping them together makes this feat much, much, much easier. I just want to know the rules, so I can take my record back.

  • United States eva su

    Awesom, Nicholas, come on.

  • England Mrremarkableman Jones

    Your more crazier than us over her lovit, great stuff. we like crazy

    Regards Mrremarkableman Norfolk. London. UK. England

  • United States Emily Patricia

    Amazing Nicholas. We hope to see more records from you...and I'm sure there's some on our site already that you can beat!

  • United States Nicholas Penney

    Thank you Mr Rollman! Well being that I am a self taught sword swallower, research on the subject was essential. In my research I saw I learned only a single sword has been swallowed while upside down, and only a few have done it. I decided to try it, to keep myself challenged I tried more swords, skipped 2 and went for three. Why three? Because three ends in a :)

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Awesome feat, Nicholas. How did you think up such a record?

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