Record Broken!

See Current

Most Over-The-Shoulder Nunchucks Passes In 30 Seconds

United States


New York City, New York, United States / October 26, 2014

Seth M. performed 62 over-the-shoulder passes using nunchucks in 30 seconds.

- must use standard nunchucks
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostwildcardshoulderpassnunchucks

  • United States Derrick Pickett

    Well done, Seth, especially considering you aren't a martial artist! Now is the time for me to really shine. Please accept my challenge. basketball stars

  • United States Seth Magee

    It's about time someone stepped it up. Great job Tyler! Hopefully I can locate my Nunchuks this weekend and try to regain my former glory.

  • United States Seth Magee

    Thanks Tyler. The guy who got the most over-the-shoulder passes in one minute could easily just take 30 seconds of that footage and post it here. If he did that, he would have me beat by at least 7 passes. DINESHKUMAR SRINIVASAN is the man to beat.

  • United States Tyler Siemon

    Nice job Seth especially not being a martial artist! I'll have to step it up now. Thanks for the challenge.

  • United States Seth Magee

    BlackBeltSkyDive, go for it! I'm not a martial artist. Your name makes it sound like perhaps you are one. It would be interesting to see how fast it can really be done by a true enthusiast. BREAK THIS RECORD ALREADY.

  • United States BlackBeltSkydive

    Are spastic flailing, wincing like you're in pain, and ridiculous claims all rules requirements for this record?

  • United States Tyler Siemon

    Thank you for the comment. I look forward to the challenge!

  • United States BlackBeltSkydive

    Interesting. Someone has stepped it up a notch before I could get to it. Nice job Tyler. Guess I'll have to do a little practicing before I submit for the record.

  • United States BlackBeltSkydive

    Hey Brian, Do you mind if I break this record?

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