80 Records Found

08:23 United States

Youngest Person To Ride A Motorcycle In 'The Globe Of Death'

Maximus Garcia

Maximus Garcia rode a motorcycle in a metal sphere known as The Globe of Death[] when he was four years, six months, and 28 days old. Maximus is a 7th-generation Garcia circus performer/daredevil. He travels eleven months out of the year, performing in The Globe of Death all around the world. tag:RecordSetterBook01

00:09 United States

Youngest Person To Recite Zach Galifianakis' "My Beard Hurts" Quote

Silas Good

When he was just 735 days old, Silas Good quoted Zach Galifianakis' ’“My beard hurts” joke from the character portion of his performance in Zach Galifianakis: Live at the Purple Onion. In the performance, Galifianakis portrays a five-year old with a beard.


Youngest Angler To Catch A Rainbow Trout With Assistance

Johnathon Pelphrey

Johnathon Pelphrey caught a Rainbow Trout with his father’s assistance when he was just 1,002 days old (2.74 years).

00:03 United States

Youngest Fire Breather

Gracie Adams

Gracie A. performed a fire-breathing trick when she was just 8 years, 7 months, and 8 days old. NOTE: Fire breathing is dangerous and should only be attempted with supervision, safety precautions, and proper training.

00:29 The Internet

Youngest Person To Juggle Five Balls While Hula Hooping


Ethan K. juggled five balls while hula hooping. He is nine years, four months, and 24 days old during the attempt.

00:55 The Internet

Youngest Person To Deadlift 480 Pounds

Adam Rork

16-year-old Adam Rork deadlifted 480 pounds.

00:35 India

Youngest Person To Disassemble A "Little Junior Ring" In One Minute

SriRithupa MD

Sri Rithupa disassembled a Little Junior Ring toy in one minute. He is 235 days old.

01:08 United States

Youngest Baby To Stand On One's Hand

Tai Star

Tai Star's son, Vincent, stood on his father's right hand. He was 130 days old at the time of the attempt. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should not be challenged by others. The category is closed.

01:05 Sri Lanka

Youngest Poet To Recite His Own Published Poem

Indrajith Prabaswara

Indrajith Prabaswara recited his own published poem, The World I See. He is six years old.

04:32 The Internet

Youngest Couple To Speak Professionally On All Seven Continents

Ryan Avery

Ryan and Chelsea Avery held seminars and spoke professionally on all seven continents. They completed their attempt when Chelsea was 28 years, 9 months and 3 days old.

00:49 Sri Lanka

Youngest Published Science Fiction Author

Indrajith Prabaswara

Indrajith P. published a science fiction book at the young age of five years old.

00:43 United States

Youngest Person To Hold 300 RecordSetter World Records

Tai Star

At 9,093 days old, Tai Star holds more than 300 RecordSetter world records. See his records here.


Youngest Boy To Write The Periodic Table Of Elements

Daksh Choudhary

Eight-year-old Daksh Choudhary wrote all 118 symbols from the periodic table of elements.


Youngest Person To Recite All Element Symbols From The Periodic Table

Daksh Choudhary

Eight-year-old Daksh Choudhary recited all 118 element symbols from the periodic table.

00:30 United States

Youngest Person To Predict The Score Of The Super Bowl

Andy Pelphrey

Andy Pelphrey's son, Johnathon Pelphrey, who is three years, five months and one day old, predicted the score of the Super Bowl.

01:26 The Internet

Youngest Plate Spinner

Ethan Cain

Twenty-one-month-old Ethan Cain spun a plate in the air, performing several tricks as it was spinning.

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