Most Young Adults To Give An Inspirational Message To Young Adults Facing Cancer

The Internet



Los Angeles, California, United States / April 7, 2011

UCLA Healthy Lives After Cancer, led by Chrystel Murrieta, set a record by getting 49 young adults to say an inspirational message on video to other young adults facing cancer. The video includes a stuffed animal saying an encouraging message, who wasn’t included in the final count.


- messages must be shared on video
- all participants must be between 16 and 30



Tags: mostYAABreak Cancerstuffed animalsayingYAAchallengeadultmessagingencouraging

  • United States irfan sheikh

    Excellent, I expected the same and I am very grateful to you for meeting you. But I did not deny anything that was good, but all was well, thanking you wholeheartedly plz provide all information

  • United States Simon Kirk

    Good ears, Dan.

  • The Internet Michelle Pena

    Thanks to everyone who helped us set a record!

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Beautiful record. Comedic word slip at 1:00.

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